
Friday Jan 20, 2023
Friday Jan 20, 2023
Ricky Pearl, founder of Pointer, #SalesAsAService and I discuss how to use outbound most effectively. It's not what you think and it's not what you are doing at the moment.
Most of you are going through the motions of outbound but your haste is getting in the way of your success.
Patience is lacking. Deep thinking and joint attention on the real problems and true intended, shared outcome is needed because at the moment the VAST majority (97-99% of the effort, money and time is WASTED TRYING TO CUT THROUGH THE NOISE marketers and salespeople have created.
Think about it for a moment.
Playing the "numbers game" works for a very few.
Playing the "long game" works for everyone except those who get churned through the machine and spat out the other side.
Ricky and I explore a much better way, a more thoughtful way and a way that gets more of you to the intended destination with substantially fewer casualties, significantly lower costs, eliminate the majority of your unwanted staff turnover, provide a steady stream of quality meetings with the right people who are already warm and receptive to you and how you can help.
Selling warm beats selling cold 6:1. Selling HOT outsells selling cold 18:1. But most of you will say, "It sounds like a lot of work, I can't be bothered", to which I ask, "Is it 18x more work, because that is the cost of inaction?"
Have a listen. Disagree if you have a strong case. Tell us why we are wrong. If you agree, tell us how we can improve our thinking. This is a topic we all need to consider because as times get tougher and the economy continues to throw uncertainty our way, we need to find ways to create #PipelineCertainty, #CRMhygiene and #BuyerSafety.
Lots more besides in this episode. Watch Ricky. He is one of the leaders of the future and you will do well to understand how he is building his sales operation and culture.
Contact Ricky via linkedin.com/in/rickypearl
Website: pointerstrategy.com.au (Sales as a service)
Phone: +61361847175 (Work)
Would you like to be a guest on #TheInquisitorPodcast? Have you got a topic you believe will help salespeople perform better AND act with integrity. Let's plan out a show:
Want to Work With Me?
I help principled sales professionals operating in unprincipled environments who are being asked to do things they know are not in their customers’ best interests, but they are expected to do them anyway.
They count on me, firstly, to help them navigate the narrow, and sometimes obscured path between doing what is expected, and doing what's right, and ultimately, to help them develop and execute a viable, sustainable plan to control their future on their own terms.
If you want to to find more meaning, more satisfaction and more certainty in your career, talk me about your personal vision and goals, or what you want for your team:

Friday Jan 20, 2023
Friday Jan 20, 2023
Dr Darryl Stickel is a specialist in building trust in high conflict environments. Darryl talks to me about how perceived risk is created by multiplying uncertainty by vulnerability. Vulnerability is putting yourself in harms way, knowing you might be hurt. The problem is when someone is uncertain enough and their risk threshold is breached, they stop thinking rationally, and they go into self-preservation mode.
If you go back and listen to my interview with Matt Dixon on the JOLT effect, my interviews with Moeed Amin, Mark Herbert, Mark Goulston, TRUST is at the heart of all of them. Some things that separates great salespeople and leaders from average and weak performers are their empathy and compassion.
Darryl's online course is excellent BTW. Just going through it now and I have learned SO much.
Contact Darryl on https://linkedin.com/darryl-stickel-phd-b544b
Website: https://www.trustunlimited.com/
Trust Building Online Course: https://courses.trustunlimited.com/
***** 5-Star programme, highly recommended
email: darryl@trustunlimited.com
Contact me to discuss training and coaching: https://calendly.com/marcuscauchi/let-s-explore-coaching-training
If you wish to be considered for the next Successful Selling intake, please audition here: https://calendly.com/marcuscauchi/successful-selling-audition
If you'd like to audition be a guest on #TheInquisitorPodcast: https://calendly.com/marcuscauchi/podcast-planning-call

Monday Jan 16, 2023
Monday Jan 16, 2023
Kate Laine-Toner is #neurodivergent. She spent 30 years hiding in plain sight as a marketing professional rising to the level of Marketing Director. Inside she was having to be who she wasn't on the outside to hide her condition, her gift. In part it made her good at what she did.
But she didn't much like to socialise and party with the troops. It's not that she's antisocial but noisy places and lots of people are not how she relaxes or does her best thinking. Be clear about what you need and leave her get on with it.
Odds are you know many neurodivergent people, perhaps you write them off because they lack the verve of their more dynamic, socially lubricated, extraverted colleagues. Perhaps you don't hear their suggestions because they haven't found their voice. What a waste of perfectly good talent. Listening to those who make the most noise over those who say the thing you need to hear.
Contact Kate via linkedin.com/in/katelainetoner
- theautismtrainingcompany.com/ (Company)
- wdiscourse.com/the-masterclass-intro/ (Company)
Email: kate@theautismtrainingcompany.com
Twitter: Kate_LT

Thursday Jan 12, 2023
Thursday Jan 12, 2023
Carole Mahoney of Unbound Growth and author of Buyer First chats to me about why buyers really buy and how salespeople get in their own way. Friction and uncertainty are created in the buyer's mind through selfish, ill considered sales motions and behaviours that are ill timed with the buyers buying journey. Frank, unfluffy and packed with usable insights, Carole rips the scales from your eyes, leaves you nowhere to hide when it comes to excuses and does so without making you feel like a fool.
This episode is a belter. Thank you Carole. Please come back. We'd love to hear from you. Please please your comments, questions, thoughts and challenges. We love to be wrong.
If you have strong and well founded opinions, or you hit upon a lucky experiment and have worked out how to systematise it, drop me a line via the link below Carole's contact details.
- unboundgrowth.com (Company)
- unboundgrowth.com/blog (Blog)
Phone: +1 207-604-6287 (Mobile)
Email: e@carolemahoney.com

Monday Jan 09, 2023
Monday Jan 09, 2023
Amal Ismail is a functional medicine practitioner. What is #functionalmedicine?
Functional Medicine is a systems biology–based approach that focuses on identifying and addressing the root cause of disease. Each symptom or differential diagnosis may be one of many contributing to an individual’s illness.
Can you see the link between FM and functional selling? We only help the customer solve their problem by treating the causes. By uncovering the root causes of stress and inflammation FM practitioners get to solve "wicked problems" - multiple causes, multiple influence(r)s, changing context and priorities, timing, motivation, commitment, (in)consistency . The parallels between healthy living and healthy business become clear very quickly in this conversation.
Prescription before diagnosis is malpractice.
When you listen to Amal's process she seeks to understand the interplay between complex physiological, psychological and environmental factors to understand the problems at their cause. These have been formed and compounded over many years. Her process starts by listening forensically to her patient.
It takes a lot of time and effort to form a diagnosis, but instead of shifting the symptoms to another part of the body or stressing another system, you remove the source of the problem and the downstream symptoms stop happening.
If you've worked with me you'll know this is my philosophy towards selling and working with customers. I want to produce elegant, sustainable solutions without the negative unintended consequences.
In sales, if you start by looking for what you have in common, what is working, and looking for balance, working with your partners/customer/peers to find solutions instead of trying to gain dominance and control for you own personal advantage.
Contact Amal on Linkedin via linkedin.com/in/amalismail
Email: hello@amalismail.com
She runs free masterclasses: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZElcuyvrT4sH90ZrMHehI91EZ4uVnQu36ct
Amal's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/amalismail_ifmcp/ The Masterclass registration link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZElcuyvrT4sH90ZrMHehI91EZ4uVnQu36ct
This is the payment link for the group programme: https://amalismailfmp.practicebetter.io/#/60d054562a832607202cbe31/bookings?c=637be3c01f0684a93b9c08af&step=course
Contact me to be a guest on the show https://calendly.com/marcuscauchi/podcast-planning-call
If you want to explore how I may be able to help you personally or your team, https://calendly.com/marcuscauchi/let-s-explore-coaching-training
Happy selling!

Wednesday Jan 04, 2023
Wednesday Jan 04, 2023
Before you sign another contract for a major purchase, get a loan or seek investment, listen to this episode with THE REAL Chris Martin from #OriginFinance, who turns the world of commercial finance on its head. The range of options open to many businesses who instead eat into personal finances, make personal guarantees, give away equity, is vast. It can be confusing. Chris clears the fog with jargon or fluff.
Chris discusses a range of commercial finance options that don't involve giving away equity or control of your business, offer flexibility and help you to manage your cash flow.
I had my eyes opened to so many useful options I'd previously not considered before. Chris's refreshing approach to advising about finance turns the whole experience of being a buyer into a valuable education.
Website: originfinance.co.uk (Company)
Phone: 07935 220 402 (Mobile)
Email: chris@originfinance.co.uk
Amazon/Audible: https://lnkd.in/eMsPcgT2
Podcast Addict: https://lnkd.in/e34gpqQW
Apple: https://lnkd.in/ePuQkWCh
Spotify: https://lnkd.in/eGBQp8AY
If you have ideas for a show and would like to be my guest on #TheInquisitorPodcast ping me - https://calendly.com/marcuscauchi/podcast-planning-call
Put your nightmares to bed and explore if I'm the right balance of experience, grumpy old curmudgeon and Yoda-like wisdom to help you in your sales career and building your team - https://calendly.com/marcuscauchi/let-s-explore-coaching-training

Friday Dec 30, 2022
Friday Dec 30, 2022
Daniel Hulme, CEO @ SATALIA, Chief AI Officer @ WPP, Investor, Speaker @ TEDx & SingularityU, EIR @ UCL, Lecturer @ LSE, Co-founder @ Faculty, Advisor @ CogX & Syntropy - phew. After that build up, once you listen, I think you'll agree, Daniel doesn't disappoint.
Pragmatic, realistic, experienced and humane, this snappy interview covers more ground in 40 minutes than you'll get in a week in English politics (maybe not quite that much but close!). We cover:
1. Rethinking what AI is actually useful for
2. Challenging the noise around AI ethics
3. Macro problems
Contact Daniel via linkedin.com/in/danielhulme
- satalia.com (Company)
- hulme.ai (Personal)
Phone: +447773765097 (Mobile)
Email: daniel@satalia.com
Twitter: TheSolveEngine
IM: daniel@satalia.com (Skype)
If you'd like to be a guest on #TheInquisitorPodcast let's explore producing an episode together - https://calendly.com/marcuscauchi/theinquisitor-podcast-2023
To explore training and coaching for you and your team, https://calendly.com/marcuscauchi/let-s-explore-coaching-training

Tuesday Dec 20, 2022
Tuesday Dec 20, 2022
Tash Cleeve is an old school headhunter who takes care of her candidate's careers by matching them with the right company, in the right role in the right team to do the right job at the right time, where they can succeed and stay. This means investing time in her relationships with candidates, hiring managers, Boards, investors, potential reports. She's not afraid to get down into the weeds, because she knows that no one wants to make a hire.
People want to hire someone who is a good fit with the team, succeeds, improves over time as they grow into the role, and stays. When they leave they want to leave a strong and positive legacy having done the job for which they were hired and successors who will surpass their achievements. And they will delight in their being eclipsed.
We discuss how to make that possible. Great chat with someone who is totally sincere and committed to excellence. No wonder Tash and the ineffable @Martin Ellis are like peas in a pod.
Contact Tash via linkedin.com/in/natasha-cleeve-a151b34
Website: cleevepartnership.com (Company)
Phone: 07702 133097 (Mobile)
Email: nc@cleevepartnership.com
Twitter: TashCleeve
If you like the sound of how I approach sales, management and leadership and want to explore if I can help through coaching, training, consulting or my network let's chat over Zoom. https://calendly.com/marcuscauchi/let-s-explore-coaching-training
To explore if we can make a good episode together with you as my guest, please find a time to jump on a planning call - https://calendly.com/marcuscauchi/podcast-planning-call

Monday Dec 19, 2022
Monday Dec 19, 2022
"How do you get people to respond?"
"Can you explain to me, how is what you promise possible?"
- christopherbogue.com (Company)
- tiktok.com/@chrissellshissoul (Personal)
- twitter.com/ChrisSellsSoul (Personal)
Online Video Course: (chrisbogue.io): https://chris-bogue.thrivecart.com/complete-guide-to-selling-on-video/partner/
Phone: +1 708-712-3972 (Home)
Email: chris@christopherbogue.com
Twitter: octavarius
To audition to join me as a guest on the show please book some time here - https://calendly.com/marcuscauchi/podcast-planning-call
To recommend a guest email marcus@laughs-last.com with "Inquisitor Guest Suggestion" in the subject line
To explore working with me to help you meet your full potential let's find some time to learn more about what you want and if I'm the right person to help you: https://calendly.com/marcuscauchi/let-s-explore-coaching-training

Wednesday Dec 14, 2022
Dan Goodman: Can You Even Understand Your Commission Plan?
Wednesday Dec 14, 2022
Wednesday Dec 14, 2022
"Take action in December before you close the books for the year", says Dan Goodman, founder of #TruCommish. Dan's a man on a mission - to make salespeople's pay transparent and fair and help employers attract and retain their top sales talent.
Imagine a brand that could say that all commissions are subject to independent verification that they are complete, paid on time and fair. What effect would that have on attracting and keeping top talent?
Dan offers this for free for now for salespeople so if you want to be certain you are being paid what you are owed, and if you feel you aren't ... to be able to evidence your case unequivocally and irrefutably. He's built an algorithm he claims can decipher any compensation plan and push out accurate commission statements
If you earned it, you should be paid. If you didn't it helps to know why so you don't make the same mistakes again.
If your contract is 36 pages long or you have a 12 page dress code, odds are you compensation plan looks like a PhD thesis in astrophysics ... call Dan! If you believe you've been stiffed, or you landed a mega deal and now you think your CFO is going to reduce what you're owed through clawbacks, moving the goal posts or other shenanigans, have a listen. Dan points you towards some great big fat clues that you might have a problem with #nonpayment #underpayment #wrongpayment of #commissions.
Contact Dan via linkedin.com/in/daniel-goodman2001
Website: trucommish.com (Company)
Email: dgoodman@trucommish.com
Contact marcus@laughs-last.com if you'd like to be a guest or if you want to explore how working with me could propel your career and your team to predictably better results https://calendly.com/marcuscauchi/let-s-explore-coaching-training