
Tuesday Dec 13, 2022
Eloise Leeson: Do the Best With What You Have
Tuesday Dec 13, 2022
Tuesday Dec 13, 2022
"If you’re nice to someone’s detriment you are a manipulator", says Eloise Leeson, founder of #OlimComms and a world leading linguistic strategic consultant. Eloise advises global institutions, NGOs, global advertising agencies and technology companies on their communication to improve performance and results.
Poor communication can at best slow things down, at worst, sow confusion, division and create unhelpful and preventable friction and conflict. Eloise and I discuss how to make your communication accomplish what you intended. We dig into the critical nature of your internal communication and the ripple effect poorly chosen language can create.
"Self awareness is your beginning to understand of the other person", says Eloise. We dig into the effects of entitlement in your communication. "Unless you think about the other person twice as much as yourself, then you probably aren’t self aware at all."
She warns us of the dangers of "ASSUMING YOU KNOW!" Have you done your research? When was the last time you checked back to make sure everything was going well and nothing has changed? Go back and do it again. Rinse and repeat at least twice a year
Do these behaviours and you will help them identify unidentified needs, unmet demand, shine a light on the dark corners into which you can help.
Contact Eloise via linkedin.com/in/eloiseleeson
- olimcomms.com (Company)
- clippings.me/eloiseleeson (Portfolio)
Twitter: EloiseLeeson
Email me with "Inquisitor podcast guest" via marcus@laughs-last.com if you'd like to come on the show or have someone specific you'd like me to interview.
If you want to propel your career to new heights by improving your sales or management performance join me on Zoom - https://calendly.com/marcuscauchi/let-s-explore-coaching-training

Thursday Dec 08, 2022
Stacy Hall: Isn’t It Time You Get Comfy Selling From Your Power Zone?
Thursday Dec 08, 2022
Thursday Dec 08, 2022
Stacey Hall, author of Selling From Your Comfort Zone says, "People need to stop getting out of their comfort zone, and get back into their power zone."
Being comfortable selling without artifice, without trying to fit in with what you're guessing are the expectations or norms, without clumsy attempts manipulation requires a rethink.
"Too many people suffer from a lack of confidence in self to find own way to make sales, so there's an unhealthy over reliance on gurus. Only around 3% make a real living, the rest are frozen in place. And then they being blamed or are blaming themselves instead of looking at what's wrong with the system!" says Stacey.
When choosing companies to represent and managers to work with, beware those who choose to follow those tactics that create at best inconsistent results. It's time to stop teaching manipulation and focus on fundamentals - overcoming objections - give it a rest!
We discuss these 5 pillars of success in sales, management and life
1. Quality questions
2. Quality answers
3. Full body, intentional, active listening
4. Contextual awareness
5. Being present
We dig into what should be obvious but is so often overlooked. Most people engage if you take a sincere, personal interest in them. The buyer doesn’t have a script! Why are you fascinated by your product? Tell us stories. Share personal experiences. Create buyer envy and curiosity. Stop just being a winning babysitter!
To learn more about Stacey's alignment process visit staceyannhall.com
You can conect with her on linkedin.com/in/staceyhall1
- SuccesswithStaceyHall.com (Company)
- goforyesnow.com/?m=ditchyourgrind (Blog)
- staceyannhall.com/ (Company)
Twitter: ChiToBeMovement
If you want to be a guest email marcus@laughs-last.com with "Inquisitor Guest" in the subject line. And if you have guests you want me to interview, please connect us on that email or via shared DM on LinkedIn
To discuss working with me to accomplish what you want from your career and your life https://calendly.com/marcuscauchi/let-s-explore-coaching-training

Monday Dec 05, 2022
Monday Dec 05, 2022
David Heinemeier Hansson has achieved something seemingly rare in tech - a stable, highly profitable tech software company with a huge customer footprint and no VC or PE money. He and his co-founder, Jason Fried escaped corporate careers with a view that taking money from investors would be bad for building a profitable, sustainable business. Three times in the past 20 years, they've been proven right. With just 80 people on the team they produce the same revenues as companies with hundreds even thousands of employees.
An uncompromising and pragmatic conversation that will challenge the status quo with the question, "What if growth is not the goal?"
Contact David via linkedin.com/in/david-heinemeier-hansson-374b18221
Email: david@basecamp.com
Contact me on marcus@laughs-last.com or DM on me on LinkedIm to discus:
1. Coaching and training
2. Predictive hiring
3. Selling hot not cold

Thursday Dec 01, 2022
Rahul Monks: Removing Friction For Buyers so Salespeople can Sell
Thursday Dec 01, 2022
Thursday Dec 01, 2022
Roaul Monks of Flume Sales Training and I discuss the Peter Principle at work. It is alive and well in too many sales operations. What are the common acts of idiocy and self-sabotage so many salespeople, managers and leaders exhibit that cost them sales, lose them customers and drive them into the arms of your competition? Are you performing them? They say making the same mistake twice is a decision ...
We have a laugh, often at our own expense, sometimes you'll see yourself reflected in the stupidity. Take heed. It's all fixable. See the link at the bottom if you want to talk about how
Raoul Monks linkedin.com/in/raoulmonks
Website: flumetraining.com (Other)
Phone: +44 (0)7523 951558 (Mobile)
Email: raoul@flumetraining.com
To be a guest on the show send me an email at marcus@laughs-last.com.
To explore how we might work together to help you achieve what you want in life by finding success, happiness and balance in all areas of your life - you, business & career, family & personal, whilst smashing your targets - https://calendly.com/marcuscauchi/let-s-explore-coaching-training

Monday Nov 28, 2022
Monday Nov 28, 2022
Alex Levin, founder of Regal.io and I talk about customers, product development, looking outside of what is comfortable and familiar. We dig into culture, blindspots, limited thinking and hubris. Alex brings #D2C thinking to #B2B #customerengagement.
Contact Alex via linkedin.com/in/alexlevin1
Website: alexrlevin.com/ (Alex Levin)
Twitter: alexrlevin
Contact me on marcus@laughs-last.com
To explore how you can help your team meet their full potential or to discuss carving your own path in advancing your career https://calendly.com/marcuscauchi/let-s-explore-coaching-training
Do you rate #TheInquisitorPodcast and believe others should be listening to our fabulous guest? Please leave an honest review of the podcast on your favourite platform. If you use Apple Podcasts, please leave one on there.
What do you love about it? Hate about? Best lesson(s)? How have you applied something to your advantage? Tell us about a personal advancement. Why should others listen?
I love making the show. I hope you're finding it as helpful as I do, and thank you so much for listening.

Friday Nov 25, 2022
Ian Koniak: $100m in Sales at Salesforce and Miserable
Friday Nov 25, 2022
Friday Nov 25, 2022
WARNING: Deeply personal episode delving into topics many of you will find familiar and very uncomfortable to discuss. A bit of a look into the ugly mirror around success, ambition, and painful personal growth.
“When we don’t put the brakes on our self-absorption, we have nothing stopping us from total self-destruction. We become the fruits of our actions.” ~ Zeena Schreck
Ian Koniak has the t-shirt - $100m in sales at Salesforce, at the time, their highest ever performing salesperson ... and he was miserable and on a path to self-destruction. Fortunately, Ian caught himself at rock bottom when everything looked perfect on the surface. But underneath, he was going through a personal crisis that had him behaving in ways he hated, and that ate into his self-concept.
“Self destroyer, wreck your health, destroy friends, destroy yourself. The time device of self-destruction, lies, confusion, start eruption.” ~ Ray Davies
We explore mental health and top performers, the danger of becoming complicit in creating the destructive conditions because of culture, peer pressure and competitive short-term thinking driven by greed and fear. We explore how the money behind an organisation permeates the culture and affects its people.
A frank, highly charged conversation that talks in depth about success and the personal toll the wrong mental state can lead to when you achieve success. We talk values, faith, love and friendship, responsibility and locus of control. Buckle up. It's a goodie.
Contact Ian via linkedin.com/in/iankoniak
- iankoniak.com (Company)
- untapyoursalespotential.com (Company)
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKwbDwBK_adh4AgzprZb5FQ
Email: ian@iankoniak.com
Twitter: DriveSalesNow
Email me on marcus@laughs-last.com with "Inquisitor Guest" if you'd like to come on the show or wish me to interview someone specific. Please tee up an introduction if you think you or they'd make a good guest. And please leave an honest review of the podcast on your favourite platform (and tag me or send me the link please).
If you want to talk about advancing your career or the performance of your salespeople and your middle management, book some time for us to chat and explore what you're hoping to be able to accomplish.
Happy selling folks!

Thursday Nov 24, 2022
Mark Choueke: How Clever Companies Become Stupid Overnight
Thursday Nov 24, 2022
Thursday Nov 24, 2022
Mark Choueke, CMO and author of #Boring2Brave says, "You need to be braver about decision making as we head into recession. If your share of voice larger than share of market. You will grow. If your share of voice is less than share of market you will shrink."
We dig into the process of developing a customer centric marketing strategy. What is the job to be done by marketing?
We explore how clever companies become stupid overnight. And we investigate the chains of stupidity that include over measurement, measuring the wrong things, doubling down on stuff that doesn't work, playing the numbers game
Are you using marketing in the right ways and when you need it?
Contact Mark via linkedin.com/in/markchoueke
Website: boring2brave.com/ (Personal)
Phone: +44 7832 139827 (Mobile)
Email: mark.choueke@mention-me.com
Twitter: MarkChoueke
Contact me if you want to come on the show via marcus@laughs-last.com with "Inquisitor Guest" in the subject line
If you want to talk about accelerating or revitalising your sales, management or leadership career, let's have an initial call to see if what you want is what I do well. If not, I can probably refer you to someone who can help. No pressure. https://calendly.com/marcuscauchi/let-s-explore-coaching-training

Tuesday Nov 22, 2022
Mark Raffan: The stupid things we do when negotiating
Tuesday Nov 22, 2022
Tuesday Nov 22, 2022
Mark Raffan, the negotiation ninja discusses negotiation, and some of the really stupid things folks like you and I do when "negotiating". We explore what negotiation is and what it isn't. We argue over whether you can produce a true win-win, and when to pick your ground and when to walk away from a negotiation.
We talk blindspots, strategy, the role of emotions, planning, rehearsal, pre- and post-mortems and learning.
Robust and frank talk about an area of sales most of us are bad at and end up leaving a lot of money and goodwill on the table through lack of knowhow, lack of preparation and lack of thinking.
Mark’s LI Profile: linkedin.com/in/markraffan
- contentcallout.com (Company)
- negotiations.ninja (Company)
Phone: +1 403-993-1468 (Mobile)
Email: mark@negotiations.ninja
Twitter: MarkRaffan
Contact me on marcus@laughs-last.com if you'd like to be a guest on the show.
If you want to explore personal coaching or training for you and your team let's talk https://calendly.com/marcuscauchi/let-s-explore-coaching-training

Friday Nov 18, 2022
Friday Nov 18, 2022
Mitch Sullivan, creator of Copywriting For Recruiters, talks to me about the importance of selling your job if you want to attract the right candidates. "Job adverts have an audience of one", says Mitch. "Why should a successful candidate who has no need to move, leave a job they are successful and happy in to join your business?"
If you make your advert like everyone else's, and you focus on you, your company and what you think is important, you might attract applicants but you will find the experience disappointing. Recruiting well is every managers' number 1 responsibility.
Contact Mitch on linkedin.com/in/mitchsullivan
- copywritingforrecruiters.com (Company)
- fasttrackrecruitment.com (Company)
Phone: 07725 185395 (Mobile)
Email: mitch@fasttrackrecruitment.com
Twitter: mitchsullivan
Company LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/copywriting-for-recruiters/
Company Website:

Tuesday Nov 15, 2022
Matthew Dixon: The Truth Behind Sales - Loss No Decision
Tuesday Nov 15, 2022
Tuesday Nov 15, 2022
Matthew Dixon, co-author of The JOLT Effect and The Challenger Sale shares the findings of his latest research in partnership with Gong and Salesforce looking at the data on over 2,500,000 recorded sales calls during the pandemic. It is a treasure trove.
How Do You Make Budget This Quarter Despite Your Weak Pipeline?
Buckle up and be ready to kick yourself. One of Matt's insights could help you uncover and rekindle up to 1/3 of all the pipeline that ended up in <Closed/Lost-NoDecision> and bring a number of them over the line before the end of the Quarter!
CFO's pay heed!
Contact Matt via linkedin.com/in/matthewxdixon
- Dcminsights.com (Company)
- dixonspeaks.com (Personal)
Considering a coach or taking control of your learning - https://calendly.com/marcuscauchi/let-s-explore-coaching-training
Want to be a guest on #TheInquisitorPodcast? https://calendly.com/marcuscauchi/podcast-planning-call