
Thursday Oct 06, 2022
Thursday Oct 06, 2022
Pasha Irshad, founder of Shape & Scale chats to me about the rise of the tech stack, performance decline, marketing waste and the entrenched idiocy of old thinking in the current environment.
Pasha advises companies on their marketing and their tech stack to ensure it is delivering the intended results and fit to scale. A value packed show that needs plenty of note taking
Contact Pasha via linkedin.com/in/pashairshad
shapeandscale.co (Company)

Monday Oct 03, 2022
How Wonder & Curiosity Inspire Us, Challenge Toughens Us, and People Make Us
Monday Oct 03, 2022
Monday Oct 03, 2022
Michael Vincent is a world renowned close up magician, the most senior non-white member of the Magic Circle, a powerful keynote speaker on #leadership, #management, #DEI #Diversity, #Equity and #Inclusion, #performanceexcellence and #sales. His story of struggle over many years, and how rising to excellence has so many parallels with success in sales and management. How did his mentors affect his trajectory and velocity? Listen and learn. How did losing his hearing in 2013 affect him? How did he react and eventually apply his training to adapt?
Here's his Tedx Talk: https://www.ted.com/talks/michael_vincent_the_magic_of_perception_mine_yours_and_ours
Mike explains how growing up, in 1970's London as the Afro-Caribbean only child of a single mother he was largely isolated by circumstances. His mother taught him to read very early and he lived in books. When he saw his first magic show, his wonder and astonishment led him to the library and 6 years of practice in isolation.
A happy meeting with his first mentor, Alan Allan, introduced Mike to a world that was previously beyond his awareness, taking him to perform across the world. A master of his craft technically, Mike explains the importance of the performance, understanding your audience and above all, understanding and acceptance of yourself. His investment in his mind, his stage performance, his communication goes well beyond mere technical performance. His stage presence is flawless, seemingly effortless and the product of a relentless pursuit of mastery of the fundamentals.
Over the past 3 years Mike had to give up work to look after his mother. This chapter in his life carries so many lessons for our humanity and prioritising what really matters even at a personal price.
Some of you will find this a tough episode because it holds up the mirror to who we really are and who we could be. A smörgesbord for thought in episode 421 of #TheInquisitorPodcast
Contact Mike via linkedin.com/in/michael-vincent-665a01
Email: michaelvincent64@mac.com
YouTube: www.youtube.com/michaelvincentmagic
Contact me on marcus@laughs-last.com. If you want to improve your personal performance and you want a coach who will tell you the truth even when you'd rather I lied, https://calendly.com/marcuscauchi/let-s-explore-coaching-training
If you want to sell more, more profitably, quicker without manipulation or pressuring customers, https://www.laughs-last.com/successful-selling-programme/
Sick of hiring James Bean instead of the James Bond you thought you had in front of you at interview?

Thursday Sep 29, 2022
What’s The Real Purpose of Enablement and Why’s it Done so Badly?
Thursday Sep 29, 2022
Thursday Sep 29, 2022
Sam Robinson says, "It's your buyers choice to buy, not yours to sell". He's a Red to Blue Coach, director of Greenock FC and his day job is sales enablement leader for the media giant, Dentsu.
"Enablement is a business function not a training function," says Sam. We delve into the most effective working relationship between enablement, the Board and the business. How well does enablement support the Board's responsibility to drive results? Why isn't enablement a profit centre? How does enablement's focus on the wrong end of the problem undermine trust and respect? Who is asking the hard questions? How do you make engagement engaging?
Listen, take notes, tag a friend
Contact Sam via linkedin.com/in/sam-robinson-4a29326
Phone: +44 (0)7480 656 266 (Mobile)

Tuesday Sep 27, 2022
Why Is Outbound So Broken And What Can You Do To Fix It?
Tuesday Sep 27, 2022
Tuesday Sep 27, 2022
Jason Hubbard, Founder and CEO of The Demand Magic and Adjunct Professor at University of Tennessee with a special interest in #ethics. We dig into why the outbound function is generally so badly broken and what needs to be done to fix it.
We dig into the topic of #SalesEthics, #ManagementEthics and the effect leadership and investors have on culture.
We take a scalpel to the rotten parts and explore options for a better future for #OutboundSales #outbound2point0
Contact Jason on linkedin.com/in/hubbardjason
- teknovation.biz/2012/07/16/jason-hubbard-groomed-entrepreneur/ (Teknovation Article)
- knoxnews.com/news/2010/sep/09/energy-saving-gets-simpler-simple-control/ (Energy Savings Gets Simpler)
- knoxnews.com/news/2011/jun/06/software-firms-created-solutions-challenges/ (Software Firms Create Solution)
Email: jason@demandmagic.ai
Contact me on marcus@laughs-last.com or book a time for us to chat about developing you and your people - https://calendly.com/marcuscauchi/let-s-explore-coaching-training
Secure your place on my Successful Selling programme for salespeople who want to be certain of improved results and less wasted effort.

Thursday Sep 22, 2022
How Bad Culture Hurts Profits And Makes You Toxic as a Long Term Employer?
Thursday Sep 22, 2022
Thursday Sep 22, 2022
"How often is culture talked about in your business? Is it a standing agenda item?", challenges Steve Simpson, creator of the concept of Unwritten Ground Rules, UGR®'s. We explore how to develop and deliver an #aspirationalculture to make you attractive as an #destinationemployer.
UGRs are answers to great questions like, "How do we treat people when ...?" Complete that sentence around real life situations and you start to uncover some blindspots, prejudices and unconscious biases that are disadvantaging you, your business, your customers, your suppliers and/or your own people.
Of course biases exist. No point denying they do if your intent is really to help fix them. Our job is not to shy away from identifying biases but to do so and address them. If you ever needed a better argument for diversity and inclusion, it is the creative power of diverse teams all looking at the same problem. Where you have multi-aged, multi-ethnic, multiple socio-economic backgrounds, differing faiths, politics, technical and professional experience who share the same values and purpose, the benefits are several magnitudes greater than fighting for processes and beliefs that are no longer fit for purpose tied around a homogeneous group of like thinking people.
A strong indicator of the unwritten and unspoken priorities, which may include building political power frequently shows alignment below the surface radar around cultural discrimination, intentional or unintentional, deliberate or through ignorance is the response to this deceptively provocative question - "If I asked your people what your leadership team's priorities are they'd say ...?"
Steve explains how we respond to members of our teams putting forward their ideas, is indicative of your underlying culture and shared values system. The response to this kind of situation witnessed by others, quickly determines who and how discretionary effort may be offered or withheld, the temperature of relations between leadership and their workforce.
A very provocative interview with plenty of practical and meaty material you can implement yourself
Contact Steve via linkedin.com/in/workplaceculture
- ugrs.net (UGRs Company Page)
- steve-simpson.com (Steve Simpson Personal Site)
- safeminingcultures.com/ (Safe Mining Cultures)
Phone: +61419901391 (Mobile)
Email: steve@ugrs.net
Twitter: steveugrs
Episode 418: Steve Simpson #SteveSimpson #UGR #UnwrittenGroundRules #employeesafety #managementethics #leadershipethics #businessethics
If you want to explore coaching or training for you or your team book a call with me here - https://calendly.com/marcuscauchi/let-s-explore-coaching-training
And if you want to learn from me, my fresh courses and programmes designed to help you sell how buyers really buy without manipulation or pressure can be found here -
Successful Selling - https://www.laughs-last.com/successful-selling-programme/
Hiring Winners - https://www.laughs-last.com/hiring-winners/

Wednesday Sep 07, 2022
Why you should fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times
Wednesday Sep 07, 2022
Wednesday Sep 07, 2022
Paul Morton, Founder of The Practical Leadership Academy, chats to me about leadership that is fit for the 21st Century. We argue the case for dragging yourself out of the Industrial Age and to think deeply about how you need to adapt to the rapidly changing environment. When you graduate to leadership, Paul says, "Your job is to build your business with your peers"
We agree that consistent focus on, and intentional practice of the fundamentals is critical, but those fundamentals cover more than the balance sheet. We explore some interesting phenomena - how managers who are struggling tend to default to doing the job they had before, and then we start unpicking the consequences.
Lively intelligent, highly provocative debate. Definitely one to take notes from.
Contact Paul on linkedin.com/in/paulwmorton
Contact me on marcus@laughs-last.com if you want to be a guest or want me to interview someone specific.
Hire right, first time.
Stop hiring people who interview like James Bond and perform like Mr Bean. Join my unique predictive #HiringWinners programme for senior leadership, executives and managers. Starts Oct 4th 2022.
Learn to hire winners who succeed in the role, improve over time and stay for many years.
Reserve your place now

Thursday Sep 01, 2022
How Do You Create a Good Product Led Growth Strategy?
Thursday Sep 01, 2022
Thursday Sep 01, 2022
Varun Anand is Head of Operations at Clay.com. We discuss what is #PLG #ProductLedGrowth? Why it matters? To which type of products is it especially suited ? How does PLG go wrong? What happens when it goes right?
Varun opened my eyes to a few new things in this, our 416th episode of #TheInquisitorPodcast.
Contact Varun on linkedin.com/in/vaanand
Twitter: varunanand48
Contact me if you want to thrive through the coming recession. https://calendly.com/marcuscauchi/linkedin-discovery-call
Sign up for my #SuccessfulSelling programme. Ongoing reinforcement and training

Tuesday Aug 30, 2022
Work Hard, Play Hard: 7 Powerful Lessons You’ll Love from the World of Gaming
Tuesday Aug 30, 2022
Tuesday Aug 30, 2022
The world of computer gaming continues to grow at breakneck speed with over $196bn being spent on games in 2020. 45% of gamers are women. And the age range is not where you might expect.
Moritz Aemisegger is an expert in the gaming field, serving customers in #esports and #Gaming. His fascination with the #ComputerGaming market is justified. Fast paced, rapidly changing, massively innovative, if you are an innovative marketer, this is an episode you won't want to miss.
We delve deep into the business of gaming, the allure, the marketing potential and of course we have a dig into sales, selling, and management.
An outstanding episode. Bring a pen and paper. And tag someone who needs to hear this please
Contact Moritz via linkedin.com/in/moritzaemisegger
Phone: +41 79 824 43 45 (Mobile)
Email: moritz@aemisegger.com
Are you considering hiring? Have you made bad hires and lived to regret it? https://www.laughs-last.com/hiring-winners/
Want to up your sales game? - Join Successful Selling - https://www.laughs-last.com/
If you want to get hold of me, DM on LinkedIn or marcus@laughs-last.com

Thursday Aug 25, 2022
Fergus Connolly: Why Success Isn’t the Goal; Why Sustained Success is the Goal
Thursday Aug 25, 2022
Thursday Aug 25, 2022
Fergus Connolly has led an extraordinary career coaching some of the world's elite - in business, in sport and in special forces. His clients have been his best teachers. His excellent book, 58 Lessons, is crammed with insights from the real world of top performers exploring their rarified view of the world.
"I don't fear the man who has learned 10,000 kicks; I fear the man who has practiced the same kick 10,000 times" - Bruce Lee
A key lesson is these people never forget the need to keep practicing their foundational skills whilst also extending their range. Slow is smooth; smooth is fast - a lesson from special forces, martial arts, music schools like Suzuki. They do the ordinary, extraordinarily well.
We discuss mindset, psychopathy and genius, talent and graft, determination and motivation, conditioning and intuition. Genuinely one of the most fun, engaging, challenging, and remarkable interviews I've done in a long stream of very satisfying and insightful conversations.
I absolutely understand why the world's very best seek him out as their coach. You will too. Have a listen. Follow him on linkedin.com/in/fergusconnolly
- fergusconnolly.com (Company)
- fergusconnolly.com/lessons-from-sport (Company)
- fergusconnolly.com/blog (Blog)
Twitter: Fergus_Connolly
Apply to join my #SuccessfulSelling programme starting October 4th, 0930-1130.
Zero technique taught. You will learn how to build a system that fits you, your values, and your communication style. This means you sell naturally, authentically and adapt to how your buyer needs you be. You're buying better results, not flashy techniques.
If you're a veteran salesperson we'll build on what you already know, and you'll develop tools, tactics and strategies to accelerate your career. If your new to sales, you'll save decades in getting it wrong and having to unlearn a load of stuff, and you'll get noticed for the right reasons building early cumulative advantage.

Tuesday Aug 23, 2022
Tuesday Aug 23, 2022
"The need for connection and community is primal, as fundamental as the need for air, water, and food." - Dean Omish
At the Heart of Change is Empathy; it’s the Basis of Strong Community Do you derive the greatest satisfaction from receiving a great gift, or giving a great gift that makes the person you care about spontaneously light up with delight. We are social primates. Think about it. Our superpower, the one that put us to the top of the food chain, is cooperation.
#Rebecca Tasetano, cofounder of Project Kick Ass, started her career as a children's entertainers age 5. Today she delivers #CommunityAsAService. How did 10 years being a clown prepare her for building, growing and galvanising communities?
You hear that the future of marketing is in community, and it makes sense. Word of mouth, personal introductions, testimonials and other forms of social proof go a long way to removing barriers to buying because if others from your tribe are doing it, it's probably safe to our brains which have evolved slower than the environment we have created and now occupy.
Sales generated by WOM convert between 3x-18x more often than cold generated opportunities. If someone you trust recommends a course of action, a film, a restaurant, a book or a provider, odds are, you will lower your resistance because the mutually trusted introducer lends their credibility to your cause.
The most productive, engaged and thriving communities are high challenge and high support. You know if you've said or done something stupid, and if you ask for help people give willingly and without expectation of ANYTHING in return.
Is this naive? Utopian?
Maybe, but what if? What if you had a community that wants you to succeed, cheers you on, introduces you at every opportunity to people who fit the profile of your hero customer? What if your partners play to keep the game going instead of to win or not to lose? What if all of you play to make the pie bigger for everyone?
These #communities and #ecosystems do exist already. We explore the challenges of building a community, managing expectations, creating engagement. And we explore the challenges and where people go wrong when building a community.
Contact Rebecca on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/rebeccatasetano/
Email: Rebecca@pkasolves.com
Website: PKASolves.com
If you're curious how early stage, moderately funded business can achieve sustainable scale and accelerate past their more established competition, contact me via marcus@laughs-last.com or DM me on LI.
Let's explore training or coaching - https://calendly.com/marcuscauchi/let-s-explore-coaching-training
Hiring Winners - Predictive Hiring For Managers - https://calendly.com/marcuscauchi/hiring-winners