
Friday Aug 19, 2022
Friday Aug 19, 2022
Justin Zimmerman, founder of Partner Playbooks. Justin helps companies scale their predictable, profitable partnership revenues through partner playbooks. We dig into what it takes to be an effective partner. We delve into #ecosystems and customer centric models that solve for customer value which then translates into revenue value and compare that with channel sales.
We look into the crystal ball to try and understand what is going to change, how we are going to have to adapt and the future of sales and partnerships because of advances in marketing, integrations/APIs. If you're a direct salesperson, maybe it's time to consider how your future will be affected?
Contact Justin linkedin.com/in/justinzim
Website: eepurl.com/cOtYCv (Blog)
Email: social@justinzim.com
If you want to a coach who is more than a coach, maybe we should talk. https://calendly.com/marcuscauchi/let-s-explore-coaching-training
"The number one result from working with Marcus was consistent over performance. I was an average performer when we started and after a short period of working together and implementing his coaching, results took a steep incline and stayed there for good.
It is difficult to narrow down to only a couple of things that I implemented after Marcus' coaching. But one of the biggest changes was confidence - Marcus does a great job of instilling confidence in his clients and ensuring they are aware they are of equal business stature to everyone they cross paths with. On top of that, working with Marcus consistently will see your overall business acumen take a big lift. This has been really impactful when it comes to adding value and asking great questions of executives." - Stephen Donohoe, Account Executive, Clari

Tuesday Aug 16, 2022
How Do The Best Managers Build Trust and a Culture of Cooperation?
Tuesday Aug 16, 2022
Tuesday Aug 16, 2022
Danny Wareham is CEO of Firgun. Firgun is slang in Hebrew for taking delight in the joy of others. It is the opposite of schadenfreude. Danny's approach to life and business is how do always set others up to succeed. And it is a remarkably effective strategy that help you make friends, build bridges and find common ground.
In the 411th episode of #TheInquisitorPodcast, Danny provokes you to think deeply. An insightful, demanding and substantial conversation packed with practical questions, challenging answers and unvarnished truths.
I had a blast! You will too.
Contact Danny via linkedin.com/in/danny-wareham
Email: danny@datamouse.biz
Contact me on marcus@laughs-last.com to explore whether we can work together to help you achieve your goals in life and work. If you're looking to develop the vital behaviours you need succeed, perhaps coaching can help

Wednesday Aug 10, 2022
Have You Heard The 12 Proven Ways To Capture Customers For Free?
Wednesday Aug 10, 2022
Wednesday Aug 10, 2022
Michael F Schein says, "Hype can be used for good or evil. I got curious to understand how great influencers, historical demagogues, cult leaders, Rap promoters and band managers can influence so many people to do what they want them to do, because I figured if you could harness that ...!"
Mike is CEO of MicroFameMedia, an agency delivering hype strategies for fast growth companies with ambitious founders who want to bootstrap fast so they can fund the next phase of their business. MicroFameMedia's research has identified 12 hype strategies that have proven themselves to work repeatedly and any business can apply if they are willing to get uncomfortable, put in the hard work and be courageous enough to handle the polarising effect some of the strategies might have.
And before you throw hype away as destructive, consider the value to you of your hype marketing self-disqualifying non-buyers and non-prospects without you ever wasting a moment's effort on them. Better still, how about have your rivals and detractors become your best marketing channels.
Buckle up. This is one helluva ride.
Contact Mike linkedin.com/in/michaelfrancisschein
Website: MicroFameMedia.com (Company)
Email: mfs@microfamemedia.com
Twitter: MichaelSchein1
If you want to discover the vital selling behaviours of the most successful salespeople in your industry and learn to apply them in your sales, DM me on LinkedIn or email marcus@laughs-last.com

Tuesday Aug 09, 2022
How Can You Guarantee Your Pipeline Is Full When Your Network Dries Up?
Tuesday Aug 09, 2022
Tuesday Aug 09, 2022
"What do you do when the referrals from your network dry up?", asks Christian Banach. One option is outbound, but this is a very different proposition to working ones warm market. You have to modify your expectations. These deals usually take longer, have much lower conversion rates and the thinking behind such campaigns is usually fatally flawed, short term and selfish.
Christian and I discuss the importance of establishing realistic expectations between the agency and the client. Cold campaigns as frequently a knee jerk reaction to a weak pipeline and looming failure to hit quota. We explore how the best results come NOT form focusing on short term pipeline, but using cold to develop coverage and warm relationships, so that when they move from passive to active looking you are the only show in town.
Lively, challenging and insightful, you can contact Christian via https://www.linkedin.com/in/christianbanach/
Website: christianbanach.com (Company)
If you want the last laugh, get someone to coach and support you through this coming recession so you thrive and get promoted without the usual stress. If not me, maybe someone I know. Either way, email marcus@laughs-last.com to chat or book a time over Zoom on https://calendly.com/marcuscauchi/discovery-call-15-mins

Wednesday Aug 03, 2022
When’s The Last Time You Had Access To Your Full Inner Confidence?
Wednesday Aug 03, 2022
Wednesday Aug 03, 2022
Lauren Cartigny is a transformational coach. 15 successful years in sales and management in the Tech industry, today she supports CEOs, sales leaders, and founders to deliver sustainable results from position of wellbeing.
- How do you know that you are stressed?
- What level of stress is healthy?
- In a relationship what are you responsible for, and what is the other person responsible for?
- What conditions do you need to access your confidence?
Contact Lauren via linkedin.com/in/laurencartigny
- laurencartigny.com (Company)
- instagram.com/lauren.cartigny/ (Personal)
Twitter: lcartigny
Contact me on marcus@laughs-last.com or via DM on LinkedIn.
If you are an ambitious salesperson or a manager who wants to take your team to new heights, let's have a quick no strings, no pressure chat.

Friday Jul 15, 2022
A Firefighter’s Lessons From Major Incident Crisis Management
Friday Jul 15, 2022
Friday Jul 15, 2022
Today, Eric Steeves is a RevOps specialist but before he took the easy route, he was head bouncer in places you wiped your feet on the way out, he built two 7-figure businesses in the competitive world of junk removal, became a firefighter and then joined Salesforce where he thrived in sales.
With the spectre of recession over the horizon, Eric and I put 2 and 2 together and figured it'd be interesting to see how his crisis management training in the fire service can be applied to managing tough times where things change fast, unexpectedly and in surprising ways.
You be the judge. Have a listen with a pen and notepad.
Contact Eric via DM linkedin.com/in/eric-steeves
Contact me on marcus@laughs-last.com if you are looking for a coach who will never lie to you, never feed the harmful part of your ego, and will always have your back, even when you are doing stupid things. No fluff. No faff.

Tuesday Jul 12, 2022
You Aren’t Smarter Than Nature
Tuesday Jul 12, 2022
Tuesday Jul 12, 2022
- ogilvy.com (Company)
- linktr.ee/evolutionaryideas (Personal)
Twitter: s_tatam
Contact me on marcus@laughs-last.com if you are looking for a coach who gives neither quarter or bullshit, or you fancy being a guest on the podcast

Wednesday Jul 06, 2022
How Do Ethical Managers Develop Salespeople Who Earn Buyers’ Trust and Loyalty?
Wednesday Jul 06, 2022
Wednesday Jul 06, 2022
"Dysfunction is often a product of how you treat your people", says Chris Blackwell. We talk #Ethics #Values and #Purpose. We ask what are the causes of high performance? And what are the fundamental attribution errors that lead to blindspots and unintended consequences?
Growing slowly is OK, stagnating isn't. If you treat your people like children they'll act like children. Treat adults like adults. Create the conditions so they think for themselves, take responsibility, cooperate and share.
The deep dive on ethics in sales and management is the first of many we will be exploring on the topic.
Please can you refer me to possible guests ...
If you rate any authors, academics or commentators on the subject of #SalesEthics #BusinessEthics #ManagementEthics #HiringEthics please can you put us together
Website: plpconsult.co.uk (Company)
Email: chris@plpconsult.co.uk
Twitter: ChrisPLP1
Contact me on marcus@laughs-last.com
If you are looking for a coach who will not let you get away with excuses, backsliding or blaming, and will focus on helping you meet then exceed what you consider possible. I am taking on 2-3 new coaching clients. If you want to explore what you can expect to accomplish with help book a call with me for a no pressure, no obligation chat - https://calendly.com/marcuscauchi/let-s-explore-training-or-coaching

Monday Jul 04, 2022
Monday Jul 04, 2022
Todd Caponi, releases The Transparent Sales Leader on 5th July 2022. After the success of his best seller The Transparency Sale, Todd realised the depth of the problem in management when none of the 40 strong management team of a tech firm going through hypergrowth had any management training, including the CRO.
We discuss the challenges associated with scaling up, becoming a manager, being successful in the role and having the framework to ensure you always know for certain where you are, your team is, the health of everyone's pipeline. Funny, poignant and informative, this interview is one you will want to take notes and share.
Contact Todd on
- toddcaponi.com (Company)
- toddcaponi.com/blog/ (Blog)
Phone: +1 847-999-0420 (Work)
Twitter: tcaponi
Contact me on marcus@laughs-last.com

Sunday Jul 03, 2022
Todd Caponi discusses his new book, The Transparent Sales Leader
Sunday Jul 03, 2022
Sunday Jul 03, 2022