
Wednesday May 18, 2022
Do You Love Diving Down A Rabbit Hole?
Wednesday May 18, 2022
Wednesday May 18, 2022
Red Stafstrom teaches introverts how to sell without compromising their core values or who they are. Introverts aren't naturally hardwired as transactional hunter types, but they can be massive billers and keep profitable customers for life.
We dig into how introverts and extroverts differs and what they have in common. Red compares how introverts feel when extroverts use leading questions with #kettling, the police tactic used to contain crowds. Often it is the introverts in those crowds who crack under the pressure and lose control. Under those conditions their lower brain function triggers freeze fright or flight, which explains why hard sell tactics so often shut buyers down.
An intelligent and very instructive episode. Contact Red if you are an introvert and struggling to thrive in a world dominated by extroverts.
Website: brokensalespeople.com (Company Website)
Contact me if you see your success in the future will be determined by your ability to cooperate. I have some tried and tested ideas which i'm happy to share with you. Contact me on marcus@laughs-last.com or book some time in my diary for a chat about working together https://calendly.com/marcuscauchi/let-s-explore-training-or-coaching

Wednesday May 18, 2022
If You’re Above Emptying The Bins, You Probably Will Be Soon!
Wednesday May 18, 2022
Wednesday May 18, 2022
"Before you consider using an outsourced agency like ours, have you exhausted all the free avenues available to reach your customers. If you haven't go away and try them first. We're expensive and you may not need us", says Zac Thompson, CEO of We Have A Meeting.
Zac Thompson and Jack Frimston are cofounders of #WeHaveAMeeting. They are an old fashioned lead generation outsourcing agency on the surface, but dig a little deeper and they bring something fresh and dynamic to the party.
"Simplicity is the key to brilliance", Zac continues, "And the fight is outside". He and Jack are building a supportive, highly competitive culture focused on creating an environment where their people want to come to work, give their best effort, and they can grow into their full potential.
Contact Zac Thomson linkedin.com/in/zac-thompson-33a9a39b
Twitter: ZacThompson12
Contact Jack Frimston: linkedin.com/in/jack-frimston-5010177b
Website: https://www.wehaveameeting.com/
Contact me on marcus@laughs-last.com if you want to scale fast and you know you can't get away with hiring and throwing lots of bodies at the problem, I have some ideas I'm happy to share as to how you can achieve rapid and sustainable growth. Get in touch or book a quick call to discuss heling you and your team - https://calendly.com/marcuscauchi/let-s-explore-training-or-coaching

Wednesday May 11, 2022
Developing Underdogs Into Big Dogs In A Purpose Led Business
Wednesday May 11, 2022
Wednesday May 11, 2022
Sunil Kumar is CEO of TrainYo. TrainYo takes non-SaaS salespeople from disadvantaged backgrounds or who people would probably never have the opportunity to break into tech sales (46 year old operations manager), they train them at TrainYo's expense. They charge a flat rate for placing these outliers SDRs. The business grew out of purpose, because Sunil and his partner were frustrated at talented people not being given a chance because they lacked experience.
You can't easily train improved attitude, motivation and self concept. These people have it by the truckload. Their motivation is high, their drive unparalleled in the companies they find themselves.
7 months trading and 57 placements made with ... just 1 candidate who has not worked out. Their candidates often outperform seasoned, veteran SDRs. Why?
Listen and find out.
1 clue - the C-word.
Sunil can be contacted on linkedin.com/in/sunil-kumar-🏳️🌈-247574112
Phone: 07852209460 (Mobile)

Tuesday May 10, 2022
Are You Giving Your Salespeople A Nasty Limp?
Tuesday May 10, 2022
Tuesday May 10, 2022
"Are you considering the natural consequences for every responsibility on a job description?", asks Aaron Schmookler, #CultureEngineer and co-founder of #TheYesWorks. We dig into what it happen when you take your business to the point where your people are working together towards the shared outcomes.
Aaron helps founders and CEOs turn dysfunctional companies into high functioning, intimate, high trust/low self-orientation teams committed to clear collective outcomes whilst getting their individual needs met.
Contact Aaron on linkedin.com/in/schmookler
Website: TheYesWorks.com (Company Website)Phone: +1 253-301-8004 (Mobile)
Email: aaron@theyesworks.com
Twitter: TheYesWorks--Contact me on marcus@laughs-last.com and if you want to discuss your own or your team's development grab some time in my calendar for a call - https://calendly.com/marcuscauchi/let-s-explore-training-or-coaching
Thursday May 05, 2022
Are You Helping Or Are You Part Of The Problem?
Thursday May 05, 2022
Thursday May 05, 2022
Chris Prangley has risen through the ranks from a territory development rep (TDR/BDR/SDR) to Regional VP for Sales. His journey has exposed him to every stage of a fast growth business achieving pace and results, not without their challenges. Author of #TechSalesWarrior, he shares his experience rising through the ranks.
We have a very candid conversation about the highs and lows of a modern sales career, the path into management and leadership, how you need to prepare your people for what is coming so they can thrive in a VUCA world.
If his face is familiar, you may well wonder why? Go find out, making his story all the more remarkable.
Contact Chris via linkedin.com/in/chrisprangley
Website: https://www.varonis.com/ (Company)
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Chris-Prangley/e/B09S5K373D%3Fref=dbs_a_mng_rwt_scns_share
To get me marcus@laughs-last.com. I'm hiring. 2 Enterprise sales execs. UK, hybrid working, reporting to me, poor people. Or DM me on LinkedIn

Wednesday May 04, 2022
Playing Nicely With Others Doesn’t Mean You’re Soft or Lack Ambition
Wednesday May 04, 2022
Wednesday May 04, 2022
Amelia Taylor is one of the new generation of fast, paced, bright, ambitious sales leaders of the future. By day she sells RevOps-as-a-Service, and by night she helps other salespeople who are struggling to find their rhythm in sales.
We discuss why cooperation is an undervalued and mostly untapped resource that salespeople fail to tap into at their personal cost.
Humanity's superpower as a species is cooperating to solve problems by putting lots of our big brains together to understand the problem deeply, work out an elegant, sustainable solution and communicate what we learned to others so they can build on what we have already created whilst continuously working towards a better future.
We also discuss what happens when management and sales take the opposite approach.
Contact Amelia via linkedin.com/in/amelia-taylor1
Website: https://carabinergroup.com/services
Book time to talk about training or coaching you and your teams - https://calendly.com/marcuscauchi/let-s-explore-training-or-coaching

Thursday Apr 28, 2022
Why Promote Your Top Salespeople Into Management And Give Them No Support?
Thursday Apr 28, 2022
Thursday Apr 28, 2022
Alex McNaughten and his partner Scott Freeman founded #Apprento.io to help salespeople enter the #SalesProfession, get trained well, and placed in good companies with good bosses. Alex and I explore a range of topics from good and bad management, technology, culture, better questioning to developing your people.
Alex's approach is refreshing, inclusive and highly effective because people get to think, grow, be highly engaged. Make sure you follow Alex on LinkedIn. His content is great.
Contact Alex via linkedin.com/in/alexmcnaughten
salesleaders.tech (Company Website)
apprento.io (Company Website)
Phone: +6421955570 (Mobile)
Contact me on marcus@laughs-last.com

Tuesday Apr 26, 2022
When Did Intelligent, Hard Work Go Out Of Fashion In Sales?
Tuesday Apr 26, 2022
Tuesday Apr 26, 2022
"Maybe 3% of your market is in the market to buy what you have to offer today. There's 40% that have problems you can fix that have no idea you exist or that they have the problems you fix. Your job is to get to speak to them"
Pat Joyce is back. We unpick how he penetrates accounts and builds big pipeline, fast. It's messy and requires you to put in a LOT of HARD WORK. And it pays massive dividends. And it's predictable and reliable. Pat has repeated his success multiple times applying what we discuss in this episode.
Oh, and what he does is ugly too. If you like pretty, formal, perfect, this is scrappy, short, has typos, and more importantly, it works. If you are OK with response rates below 12% off your marketing campaigns, carry on doing what you are doing. If you want to deliver results, listen with a notepad and pen.
After all, the outcomes we're after are additional sales revenue growth and a fat, overstocked pipeline brimming with prospects in our ideal persona who are receptive to a conversation with us now or scheduled for when the conditions are clearly right to engage again.
Why do marketing and sales exist?
To help customers make the best decision they can for their business now and for the future. To do that quickly you need to speak to many people, deep and wide, across the organisation in quick succession. Learn how Pat does this and helps his clients build solid pipeline quickly.
Contact Pat via linkedin.com/in/pwilliamjoyce
Website: thejoyce.net (Blog)
Phone: +1-206-591-3367 (Mobile)
Other platforms:
Spotify: https://lnkd.in/eFeZUAwk
Podbean: https://lnkd.in/eJQRRPCa
Apple: https://lnkd.in/eQQvvA8B
ListenNotes: https://lnkd.in/ef3k9eex
Amazon: https://lnkd.in/e24iH7-f
Contact marcus@laughs-last.com to talk about your plans for expansion, turnaround or recovery.

Thursday Apr 21, 2022
12 Strategy Sprints To Accelerate Growth For An Agile Business
Thursday Apr 21, 2022
Thursday Apr 21, 2022
Simon Severino talks to me about building velocity and resilience to thrive in times of high inflation and high uncertainty. Simon says "Never correlate goals with metrics and incentives". He is a design thinker applying the scientific method to his business, his systems and sprints.
Simon shares how he's mitigating his exposure and maximising his potential upside in his personal investment portfolio. We dig into how he's refocusing his costs in preparation for what's to come. We are in for a tough ride. We are also being presented with a number of rare or unique opportunities as we come out of Covid and head into what looks like a very deep recession. Digitisation has been advanced 10 years in the first year of lockdown.
Simon is a master of cooperation and collaboration through strategic alliances allowing him immense reach and revenues for a tiny core operational team.
Contact Simon on linkedin.com/in/simonseverino
Website: strategysprints.com (Company Website)
Twitter: simonseverino
Contact me on marcus@laughs-last.com. Ask me how you can increase your close rate to 8:10 or higher

Tuesday Apr 19, 2022
Why Must You Go Looking For Bad News?
Tuesday Apr 19, 2022
Tuesday Apr 19, 2022
"You must go looking for bad news. That's how you eliminate surprises."
Steve Barnhurst is Enterprise Sales Director at Ebsta. "My job has always been to create the conditions where other people can be successful." Steve brings his wide range of experience as a sales leader through start ups to major PE backed corporates to bear as we explore why tracking engagement is such a critical indicator or deal and pipeline health.
"More time, more fun, enjoy work more, get more done, do better work. We're trying to maximise collaboration. We must get rid of the Lone Wolf syndrome in sales. Enterprise sales are won by teams not individuals. Lack of predictability and consistency leads to a loss of trust. You know something is awry when your salespeople are having to sell their deals as hard internally as they are to their prospects." How many management blindspots come from salespeople seeing through rose tinted spectacles? (or plain lying to cover their backs - my words )
Uncertainty in the pipeline leads to an erosion of trust in the Sales Director, who passes the bad news up the chain of command to the CEO and the Board who get a nasty awakening from the investors if it was a surprise. The consequences of that conversation can be painful.
Steve offers suggestions for building certainty and predictabliity, creating the conditions where discretionary effort is everyone's best effort.
Contact Steve via linkedin.com/in/stevebarnhurst. He's hiring as of 19 April 2022.
Website: ebsta.com (Company Website)
Contact me on marcus@laughs-last.com