Thursday Dec 31, 2020
The Power Of Story, Your Partner Sales Channel And Making Great Hires
Thursday Dec 31, 2020
Thursday Dec 31, 2020
@Mike Adams is author of #7StoriesEverySalespersonMustTell and heads up global partnerships at #Anecdote, Story Powered Sales
We revisit the subject of story telling by looking at the stories required by buyers at each step of the buying cycles. We focus on memorable story telling through channel partner sales and the use of story to help prospects diagnose their own problems. We dig into several story types that create trust
- Personal story
- Company creation story
- Insight story
- Success story
We also rip apart why company stories produced by marketing departments are not stories; they're just a series of often boring, unrelatable facts. Mike explains the anatomy of great stories
- sequence of related events
- start, time, date, place
- unpredictable turn of events
- a central character usually a successful client experiencing the hero's journey
- the reason behind the story makes a business point
anecdote.com (Putting Stories to Work)
mysevenstories.com (Seven Stories Book Website)
Tuesday Dec 29, 2020
What The Top 1% Technology Sales Professionals Do That Others Don't
Tuesday Dec 29, 2020
Tuesday Dec 29, 2020
Scott Ingram is a top sales producer who has carried a personal quota for the past 20 years. He's led sales teams and bridged the gap between sales and marketing. He is a massive proponent of customer advocacy and hosts 2 successful podcasts, #SalesSuccessStories and #InspiredMarketing.
We discuss what top performers do that the rest do not. We explore hiring, onboarding, training, management, accountability, career pathing and building a management runway to avoid the top performer to bad manager trap.
I'm disappointed we didn't fight more as we found a lot of common ground around what excellence looks like and and what bad looks like. Packed full of practical tips, this episode is a must listen. Scott has interviewed 100+ of the top 1% sales producers in technology. He is a wealth of insight and pragmatic ideas you can apply in your team.
relationshipone.com (Relationship One)
top1.fm (Sales Success Stories)
Email: scott@top1.fm--To book a 1 to 1 with me or check out my 250+ podcast interviews with some of the best salespeople, sales leaders, sales psychologists, founders and entrepreneurs, trainers, coaches and authors click here - https://linktr.ee/marcuscauchi
Saturday Dec 26, 2020
Do You Understand Your Computer Better Than You Understand Your People?
Saturday Dec 26, 2020
Saturday Dec 26, 2020
Susanne Jacobs spent 20 years at the top of professional services when she realised that her focus was out of kilter with her values and what really matters. Since then she has been researching and training leadership teams to understand their people, what matters to them, what makes them tick and how to get the best out of them.
Our conversation is frank, uncompromising and pragmatic. Every leader should pay heed to what Susanne is telling you. Her research is definitive, her experience vital.
What passes for the natural order of things is a perversion of what really drives performance. A 300 year decent into the mechanisation of human beings is patently ineffective and inefficient. The measurement of the wrong things has become a cultish obsession with measurement of lagging indicators, the dehumanisation of your people.
Buckle up for a dose of the cold, hard uncomfortable truth. And if you have investors, use this as a call for some tough conversations about their misguided priorities and your complicit actions.
Contact Susanne via LinkedIn at linkedin.com/in/susanne-jacobs-a896a312
Website: theseven.org.uk/ (Company Website)Email: susanne@theseven.org.ukTwitter: Jacobssusanne--To book a 1 to 1 with me or check out my 250+ podcast interviews with some of the best salespeople, sales leaders, sales psychologists, founders and entrepreneurs, trainers, coaches and authors click here - https://linktr.ee/marcuscauchiThursday Dec 24, 2020
The Power Of Transparency, Authenticity and Empathy
Thursday Dec 24, 2020
Thursday Dec 24, 2020
"It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on him not understanding it" Upton Sinclair
This roundtable is powerful, as you'd expect with Dr Mark Goulston, Todd Caponi and Michael Brody-Waite as my guests. We explore self-deception, self-limiting beliefs and self-sabotage. And we look at the remedies. We practice some radical honesty. And we dig deep into the power of transparency, authenticity and empathy.
Dr Mark Goulston is the world's foremost authority of empathic listening, teenage suicide prevention and author of #JustListen (the book I have most frequently recommended), #TalkingToCrazy and his latest book, #WhyCopeWhenYouCanHeal (about healing from the stress of being a frontline worker in the fight against Covid or any other trauma), Todd Caponi author of #TheTransparencySale and Michael Brody-Waite, author of #GreatLeadersLiveLikeDrugAddicts.
Contact Information:
Dr Mark Goulston linkedin.com/in/markgoulston
Website: markgoulston.com (Company Website)Twitter: MarkGoulston
Todd Caponi - linkedin.com/in/toddcaponi
transparencysale.com (Company Website)
Twitter: tcaponiMichael Brody-Waite linkedin.com/in/michaelbrodywaite Website michaelbrodywaite.com (Personal Website)Twitter mikebrodywaite--To book a 1 to 1 with me or check out my 250+ podcast interviews with some of the best salespeople, sales leaders, sales psychologists, founders and entrepreneurs, trainers, coaches and authors click here - https://linktr.ee/marcuscauchi
Wednesday Dec 23, 2020
One Size Doesn't Fit All In D.A.C.H. Stop Being Surprised When You Fail In Region!
Wednesday Dec 23, 2020
Wednesday Dec 23, 2020
Americans and Brits, Europe is NOT a country. Germany is made up of several different regions. the north is different to the south. Straight translations into German don't translate sentiment or what matters most to your various German speaking audiences. The Swiss are very different to the Austrians, and Austrians are different to Northern Germans.
DACH buyers don't do business in the same way that buyers from New York, California, Salt Lake City, London or Scunthorpe do. Localisation is critically important not only in your marketing and collateral but also adapting to local cultures and business preferences
A fast talking seller from Brooklyn will probably struggle to sell to a buyer from Louisiana or Georgia. Given that Europe is made up of 27 nation states and many hundreds of regional groups why do you think it might be any different in the DACH region.
My interview with Tobias Kopp is a full frontal exposure of what British and US companies get wrong culturally, in their communication and in trying to transcribe the culture to a region that needs and wants different things. Pay close attention and add up all the things you are doing in your failing DACH operations. Practical operational advice you can implement immediately.
Tobias can be contacted via LinkedIn linkedin.com/in/tobiaskopp
Website: collibra.com/ (Company Website)Email: tobias.kopp@collibra.com-- To book a 1 to 1 with me or check out my 250+ podcast interviews with some of the best salespeople, sales leaders, sales psychologists, founders and entrepreneurs, trainers, coaches and authors click here - https://linktr.ee/marcuscauchi
Tuesday Dec 22, 2020
There's No F'In Sales - A Tale Of Resilience During Covid
Tuesday Dec 22, 2020
Tuesday Dec 22, 2020
Imagine you are riding high, publishing 34 of the world's In-flight magazines, then covid hits. Your clients are on their knees, no one is flying and your revenues have dropped from well over $100m to nearly nothing overnight. What would you do when there are no f'ing sales?
Simon Leslie is the author of a fun and fabulous sales book called "There's No F In Sales". He also happens to be the founder at Ink, the company that actually published 34 in flight magazines who saw his revenues plummet because of the pandemic. Did he roll over and die? Not a bit of it.
Simon is a survivor, a fighter and indomitable. Just because he got served a lot of rather bitter lemons in quick succession, he seized the opportunity to minimise the impact, partner more closely with his customers, and despite all the grief and many setbacks, is finishing 2020 in profit.
It hasn't been easy, and hanging on to as many of his team as he could has proven nigh on impossible, but Simon is driven by his values and loyalty. We discuss the lows and the highs, how he adapted (are you happy I didn't use the P-word??) and we explore what he's done to come out of 2020 stronger, more resilient and well placed to take advantage of what's coming in 2021 and beyond.
Contact Simon via LinkedIn at linkedin.com/in/simon-leslie-b252b92
nofinsales.com (Personal Website)
ink-global.com (Personal Website)
Email: simon.leslie@ink-global.com
Twitter: Closerx
--To book a 1 to 1 with me or check out my 250+ podcast interviews with some of the best salespeople, sales leaders, sales psychologists, founders and entrepreneurs, trainers, coaches and authors click here - https://linktr.ee/marcuscauchi
Sunday Dec 20, 2020
The Power of Small Data With Martin Lindstrom
Sunday Dec 20, 2020
Sunday Dec 20, 2020
"I was 12 when lego sued me, then they offered me a job", says Martin Lindstrom
Martin humanises marketing and product development like no one else on earth. He spends time in hundreds of homes, observing thousands of people interacting with products on behalf of his global clients. He is passionate about making the user experience the best it can possibly be. Renowned globally as the foremost authority on #CustomerExperience he is author of #Buyology, #Small Data, #BrandSense, #BrandWashed, #BrandChild and his forthcoming book, #TheMinistryOfCommonSense.
We dig into the human psyche, buyer behaviour, why products fail, why sellers and marketers fail, and what it takes to become a keen observer of the human condition by taking note of the small data.
MartinLindstrom.com (MartinLindstrom.com website)
martinlindstrom.com/ministry-of-commonsense/ (Check out my latest book)
Twitter: MartinLindstrom
To book a 1 to 1 with me or check out my 250+ podcast interviews with some of the best salespeople, sales leaders, sales psychologists, founders and entrepreneurs, trainers, coaches and authors click here - https://linktr.ee/marcuscauchi
Sunday Dec 20, 2020
The Psychology of Pricing (So You Don't Get Shafted)
Sunday Dec 20, 2020
Sunday Dec 20, 2020
Dave Abbott is the author of #HowToPriceYourPlatypus which is an outstanding book on how to price your products and services so you get to keep a decent profit. In this episode we explore how to understand different pricing models around:
- Inputs
- Outputs
- Outcomes
We explore why many businesses don't understand their pricing and end up making no profit or worse, paying to work for their customers. We delve into pricing with partner channels and explore strategies to help you make more and keep more money.
Contact Dave via linkedin.com/in/diabbott
insight-bp.co.uk (Insight Best Practice)
consultyorkshire.com (Consult Yorkshire)
david-abbott-speaker.co.uk/ (David Abbott Speaker)
To book a 1 to 1 with me or check out my 250+ podcast interviews with some of the best salespeople, sales leaders, sales psychologists, founders and entrepreneurs, trainers, coaches and authors click here https://linktr.ee/marcuscauchi
Saturday Dec 19, 2020
Put 'Em Up, Put 'Em Up. Put Up Your Prices
Saturday Dec 19, 2020
Saturday Dec 19, 2020
Hamish Knox is a man on a mission. The youngest ever David H Sandler award winner, a highly successful entrepreneur, business leader and trainer who is helping companies maximise their growth potential without sacrificing their heart or their values.
Hamish and I have been friends for a long time. What I like about him is he is someone who you know you can always depend on. His word is his bond. He lives what he teaches and his clients love him because he helps them meet their personal and business potential.
We discuss the ugly, the bad and the good around pipeline, sales, management, leadership and a raft of other practical, operational stuff that works in the real world. No fluff, no flannel and no fiction. We talk psychology, best practices, systems and tools. Bring a pen and a pad to this one.
hamish.sandler.com/howtosandler (Company Website)
instagram.com/sandlerhinyyc/ (Instagram)
calendly.com/sandlerincalgary/discovery-call (Book a discovery call with me)
To book a 1 to 1 with me or check out my 250+ podcast interviews with some of the best salespeople, sales leaders, sales psychologists, founders and entrepreneurs, trainers, coaches and authors click here - https://linktr.ee/marcuscauchi
Friday Dec 18, 2020
Own Your Shit, Grow Yourself, Ask For Help, Serve Your People
Friday Dec 18, 2020
Friday Dec 18, 2020
"If you don't have time for coaching your reps that's bullshit. You want your reps making more bad calls? Management is hard and caring is hard."
KD, Kevin Dorsey is a force of nature. Nothing will hold him back. He doesn't whine and moan about how tough the economy is, or how he didn't have the chances others did. He's a man of decisive action and enormous compassion.
We discuss the role of the SDR. management and leadership. We discuss the importance of taking personal responsibility, of investing relentlessly in yourself, in study, mentorship, coaching and how there is no excuse for you not to get better in this profession of selling.
KD uses the BPS system to coach his people - behaviour, process and skill to help them become great. We kick the arse out of bad management, team building and culture.
This is a belter of a conversation. Buckle up.