Sunday Dec 06, 2020
"To Train or Not To Train?", That Is The Question
Sunday Dec 06, 2020
Sunday Dec 06, 2020
Anyone who knows me knows I am a HUGE fan of good training. But there are critically important questions need to be asked before enterprises make the investment in corporate training.
I chat with my performance coach, Howard Goldstein, who has spent 35 years in the training world as a sales and management trainer, as a highly effective coach of hundreds of sales and management trainers, as a designer of training programmes.
He is the one person who has made the most significant impact on my career and performance. The 6 hours of training I received from him when I first bought my training franchise was worth every penny I spent of royalties and fees over the next 17 years. Howard definitely knows how to help you move the needle to the right.
But both of us have lost our hair watching the sales and management training industry in despair. We see Learning & Development buying training to tick a box. We see management investing in training at the wrong time and for the wrong reasons. And we see salespeople being fed technique when they need so much more.
We ask the questions you should be asking before you make that investment so that you see lasting positive impact and lifetime behavioural change.
My fear is there will be some angry people in the training industry who think we've betrayed them by challenging the way they sell, deliver and hold themselves to account to their clients and delegates. Our goal is to raise the bar and make sure that if you are going to make this kind of investment, you do so having laid strong foundations so you derive the outcome you intended from that investment.
If you want to speak to Howard about having him coach you, DM me and I will make an introduction
To book a 1 to 1 with me or check out my 250+ podcast interviews with some of the best salespeople, sales leaders, sales psychologists, founders and entrepreneurs, trainers, coaches and authors click here - https://linktr.ee/marcuscauchi
Saturday Dec 05, 2020
Predictive Hiring, Occupational Psychology And Mental Health
Saturday Dec 05, 2020
Saturday Dec 05, 2020
Hiring well is every manager's number 1 responsibility. Hire well, and 95% of your management problems disappear before they happen. Hire badly and you've just bought a series of management problems and the impact on your team, morale and effectiveness can be lethal.
Sophie Giles is a highly respected occupational psychologist who works with law firms and leadership teams to assess the suitability of potential new hires for roles you are trying to fill with successful candidates and fitness for purpose of existing hires.
Bad hires are THE single highest hidden cost in any business. Capability is only one element of the hiring process. Capacity and competence are also key. Just because someone has the requisite skills to do the tasks does NOT mean they wil succeed in that post.
Sophie is brought into firms to identify before you put James or Jane Bond on your payroll that s/he isn't Mr/s Bean in smart suit. We explore the use of psychometric assessment tools, interviews, evaluation and skills assessments.
Contact Sophie via LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/sophie-giles-cpsychol-msc-bsc-63868b
Email: sophiegiles@mantisinsight.com--To book a 1 to 1 with me or check out my 250+ podcast interviews with some of the best salespeople, sales leaders, sales psychologists, founders and entrepreneurs, trainers, coaches and authors click here - https://linktr.ee/marcuscauchiFriday Dec 04, 2020
Are You Shoving Your Loyal Customers Out The Back Door?
Friday Dec 04, 2020
Friday Dec 04, 2020
"It's not all about you. It's all about your customers" says Janice B Gordon, Customer Growth and Retention Expert.
We discuss the sales profession's myopic obsession with new business which is effectively operationalising failure over time. Yes! Yes! Yes! It is important to fill and maintain the top of the funnel but unless you are paying close attention to your existing customers you are not only leaving a shed load of money on the table, you are driving loyal, profitable business to your competition.
Buckle up folks. You are in for a treat if you give a damn about your customers, but if you see them as little more than organic ATM machines or as a resource to be exploited to hit your target this month, you will feel deeply uncomfortable with the content in this episode.
If your marketing, sales, customer success, account growth, product innovation, operations and finance teams aren't aligned AROUND the customer, then you are wasting opportunities, burning through your shareholders cash in ways that you deserve to be fired for.
It can't really be that obvious, can it? Yes! Yes! Yes! (think Meg Ryan!)
Contact Janice via LinkedIn at inkedin.com/in/janice-b-gordon-customer-growth-expert
scaleyoursales.co.uk (Company Website)
janicebgordon.com/ (Personal Website)
Thursday Dec 03, 2020
Hire For What You Cannot Train, Not To Fulfil Tasks
Thursday Dec 03, 2020
Thursday Dec 03, 2020
Travis Miller, VP Operations, Miller Resource Group builds powerful sales teams. He doesn't hire for skills, experience or historical sales results because they are NOT reliable predictors of success.
What are the qualities you cannot train? Integrity, won't cut corners, dedicated to being better, high gut level empathy, authentically themselves, thick skinned and resilient, desire to succeed without arrogance, assertive without aggression, they have an internal locus of control, they want the business to succeed as well as succeed themselves, they want it but don't need it, they think as the user and they understand that prospecting is essential and gives you choice.
We explore the psychology of sales and recruitment, the crucial importance of self-concept and perception of your own value.
Eye opening, uncompromising and a must listen if you are a hiring manager, a recruiter or a leader. We discuss how to get the best out of your recruiters and your hiring process, the competitive advantage of building a bench and prevent yourself from ever having to compromise on recruitment.
Contact Travis via LinkedIn - linkedin.com/in/travismillermri
Phone - 630-586-5374 (Work)Email - travism@millerresource.comTwitter - MRGFoodTeam--To book a 1 to 1 with me or check out my 250+ podcast interviews with some of the best salespeople, sales leaders, sales psychologists, founders and entrepreneurs, trainers, coaches and authors click here - https://linktr.ee/marcuscauchiWednesday Dec 02, 2020
The Lessons of Leadership From 18 Years in The SAS & 3 Everest Expeditions
Wednesday Dec 02, 2020
Wednesday Dec 02, 2020
Krish Thapa is one of the gentlest souls you will ever meet.
Which is surprising since he was the first Ghurka to be invited to join the SAS and has been on active service with them for 18 years. He has led 3 expeditions to the summit of Everest. He has faced his own mortality on many occasions, and has had to help others face theirs. As an expedition leader on Everest, Lhotse, Manaslu and K2, he has had to manage people with difficult egos, work with disabled veterans and protect the lives of those in his charge.
We discuss his childhood, how it shaped his approach to leadership and how his spirituality has seen him through times most of us would have crumbled under. We discuss his career, his charity work and his insights into a living a full and inspired life packed with adventure. We explore how he balanced the demands of serving in the Special Forces to family man, what drives him, his values and his views on life.
Not a typical Inquisitor Podcast but one that was too good an opportunity to pass up.
Contact Krish through Linkedin at linkedin.com/in/krish-tm-303377188
Website: https://hstadventure.com/home/
To book a 1 to 1 with me and visit other episodes of #TheInquisitorPodcast and the #ScaleupsAndHypergrowthPodcast click here - https://linktr.ee/marcuscauchi
Tuesday Dec 01, 2020
If What You're Doing Isn't Working, Look In The Mirror
Tuesday Dec 01, 2020
Tuesday Dec 01, 2020
The Statler & Waldorf of sales, Paul Lloyd and Marcus Cauchi jump on their soapboxes and let fly. These grizzled old veterans go at sales, marketing, channel and management malpractices with both barrels:
- Dehumanised
- Untargeted
- Irrelevant
- Interruptive
- Unwelcome
If your marketing is exploiting best in class technologies but applied badly, youa re not only wasting that investment but royally pissing off thousands of potential buyers. If you are measuring activity levels at the expense of helping your sales team perform meaningful action, your are sacrificing effectiveness for efficiency. And if you are stripping out next quarter's pipeline to make your target this quarter, the problem isn't that you need to hit your target today, it's that you didn't do enough prospecting 3 months ago.
If you need to shout at your computer, let this be the catalyst!
Contact Paul if you want to get in an outsider who will tolerate no guff contact Paul on linkedin.com/in/plloyd
Website: sellerly.co.uk (Company Website)
Email: paul@sellerly.co.uk--If you want to book time in my diary for a quick 1 to 1 or you want to explore both my podcasts:#TheInquisitorPodcast or the #ScaleupsAndHypergrowthPodcast click this link:https://linktr.ee/marcuscauchiFriday Nov 27, 2020
Ambiguity Is The Mother Of All FUBARs, Clarity Is King
Friday Nov 27, 2020
Friday Nov 27, 2020
"Nuance is uncomfortable ... Embrace discomfort" says Frank Garten. Frank helps executives and their people communicate with clarity, vulnerably, inclusively. Are you willing to deal with people not like you? Are you inviting challenge? Are you avoiding difficult conversations?
We explore the importance of recruitment of leadership who are open to genuine inclusion. Why is being willing to open up to people who bring perspectives you are unfamiliar with is so important and such a challenge?
We discuss the lethal impact of good intentions coupled with ambiguity, poor communication, lack of dialogue with employees and customers. we explore the effect of leaders with low EQ, low empathy and low self-awareness.
One of Frank's role models is the legendary physicist, #RichardFeynman. He explains why Feynman accomplished so much through his humanity.
Frank shares the one question you can ask at interview to uncover whether you have a candidate is open to change and willing to be vulnerable.
Check out #ChrisBailey's podcast #BecomingBetter
Contact Frank at linkedin.com/in/frankgarten
Website: frankgarten.com (Frank Garten BV)
If you want to book time with me or wish to explore #TheInquisitorPodcast or the #ScaleupsAndHypergrowthPodcast click here: https://calendly.com/marcuscauchi/discovery-call
Tuesday Nov 24, 2020
Sell The Way You Buy
Tuesday Nov 24, 2020
Tuesday Nov 24, 2020
David Priemer, author of #SellTheWayYouBuy, is a proper sales nerd. My kind of chap. Formerly a research scientist, he joined a start up in the naughties, where he transitioned from presales to sales. 3 scaleups under his belt, we have a lively and uncompromising conversation drawing on his extensive knowledge of academic research journals, historical sales and 2 decades of sales scar tissue.
David combines science, psychology, emotional intelligence and human dynamics. Bring a notepad and a pen to this episode. Packed with insights and gems about the human condition.
cerebralselling.com (Company Website)
youtube.com/c/CerebralSelling (YouTube Channel)
If you want to book time with me or wish to explore #TheInquisitorPodcast or the #ScaleupsAndHypergrowthPodcast click here: https://calendly.com/marcuscauchi/discovery-call
Monday Nov 23, 2020
Sales Enablement 3.0 Is Here. What Is It & Why Do You Need To Care?
Monday Nov 23, 2020
Monday Nov 23, 2020
Rod Jefferson is a multiple return guest on #TheInquisitorPodcast and he is discussing Sales Enablement 3.0, the next generation of #salesenablement for modern sales teams.
Sales enablement practitioners have become the fixers of broken things. They are too frequently tied up measuring what doesn't make any difference to sales performance. Often they have not got the respect of the sales force. Too few have ever carried a target. I won't make many friends by saying this but many sales enablement practitioners are too often people desperately looking for a reason to justify their existence.
Rod pulls no punches in our discussion and explains how #SalesEnablement has evolved to stay ahead of where businesses and customers need enablement practitioners to be in the post-covid and modern sales arena.
Rod is offering £35 off his #Udemy course until 12th December 2020 by using the code "ENABLEMENT" https://www.udemy.com/course/applying-the-art-and-science-of-sales-enablement/
Contact Rod via linkedin.com/in/roderickjefferson
roderickjefferson.com (Company Website)
facebook.com/ThevoiceofRod/ (FaceBook)
To book a confidential 1 to 1 with me
Subscribe my newsletter. #TheGrumbler: http://eepurl.com/gu2Yd1
Podbean: marcuscauchi.podbean.com
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/7C3pmVfHbwu84oZCqUQq81
Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/welcome-to-theinquisitor-podcast/id1341867086
The #ScaleupsAndHypergrowthPodcast
Podbean: scaleupsandhypergrowth.podbean.com
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3t0Gge9e5XaB8REaqkiQ6u
Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/scaleups-and-hypergrowth-podcast/id1508754065
Sunday Nov 22, 2020
Mapping The Motivation Of Your Team
Sunday Nov 22, 2020
Sunday Nov 22, 2020
Mark Terrell is a performance coach who specialises in identifying and leveraging individual motivation. We explore the different types of motivation, what they imply for managers and individual performance, and how you can use the #MotivationalMap to uncover what drives an individual.
We explore the relationship between the different types of motivation, the impact of having the well or poorly met and why managers so often fail to understand what drives and individual's performance.
Contact Mark via LinkedIn at linkedin.com/in/markterrellreluctantleader
Website: thereluctantleader.academy/ (Company Website)--To book a confidential 1 to 1 with me
Subscribe my newsletter. #TheGrumbler: http://eepurl.com/gu2Yd1
Podbean: marcuscauchi.podbean.com
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/7C3pmVfHbwu84oZCqUQq81
Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/welcome-to-theinquisitor-podcast/id1341867086
The #ScaleupsAndHypergrowthPodcast
Podbean: scaleupsandhypergrowth.podbean.com
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3t0Gge9e5XaB8REaqkiQ6u
Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/scaleups-and-hypergrowth-podcast/id1508754065