Tuesday May 12, 2020
How To Engage Your Customer With Emotion and Powerful Stories
Tuesday May 12, 2020
Tuesday May 12, 2020
At least 19 / 20 marketing attempts completely miss their mark if you lead with features and benefits or talk about the logical reasons why customers and prospects should buy from you. 95%+ of decisions are 100% emotional. Speak to your best customers. Your best customers will tell you what you need to know to sell to other people just like them. The most important player in your story is your audience.
Are you killing sales, alienating loyal customers and failing to identify gaps in your competitors' offering because you don't understand your customer?
Alex Moscow is CEO of 9mmPR and an expert at auditing the stories in your head and translating the voice of your customer into powerful stories that make them the hero. He gets you noticed by editors and has helped clients grow 13,000%
Martin Lucas, is a mathematical psychologist, CEO of Gap In The Matrix, and the world's foremost modeller of why human beings really make decision for consumer and high tech brands. Gap In The Matrix has a blue chip and tech scale up client base. One added £64m to their bottom line by changing 7 words in their copy!
Paul Alexandrou, is an expert is making your audience central to your story developing your brand and taking your story from marketing into the boardroom. Brand codifies the soul of a company and allows you to differentiate in a crowded market. Story enables you to communicate it to your audience.Paul has helped take Kahoot! from start up to 70m daily users and 700m unique users through brand and story
We explore the power of story to attract and keep top talent, the power of structure, word of mouth, build deliberately sharable narratives, creating #SocialArtefacts, how to use micro-nudges effectively and why they don't work when badly used. A veritable masterclass in the power of story, emotion and applied intelligence.
- Do your stories scream out for attention amongst all the noise?
- Are you preventing loyal customers from buying from you because you are letting ego get between you and their decision to buy?
- Are you forgetting the power of your internal story to have everyone in your business marching in lockstep?
Useful resources you might want to check out
#TheGrumbler newsletter: http://eepurl.com/gu2Yd1 Not for softies!
Podbean: marcuscauchi.podbean.com
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/7C3pmVfHbwu84oZCqUQq81
Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/welcome-to-theinquisitor-podcast/id1341867086
Podbean: scaleupsandhypergrowth.podbean.com
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3t0Gge9e5XaB8REaqkiQ6u
Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/scaleups-and-hypergrowth-podcast/id1508754065
Saturday May 09, 2020
Is Your Need For Control Killing Your Salespeople's Motivation?
Saturday May 09, 2020
Saturday May 09, 2020
Did you know it takes 38 months to recover the sales you lose after you lose a salesperson?
#Phill McGowan is a serial entrepreneur who has built 8 businesses and sold 5 of them. He left school at 15 and got a series of badly paid jobs until he eventually fell into sales. When his wife and business partner passed away, he decided to change his direction and chose to study sales as an academic. He gets his PhD in September.
We discuss the link between control and motivation - the more control managers have the lower salespeople's motivation. In this outstanding discussion, you will learn how to so much. Bring a pen and paper!
The best sales leaders are spending at least 40-60% of their time teaching? They are servant leaders in both directions - servant leaders internally and servant leaders on behalf of the customer.
Phill and I discuss the 3 critical themes that his research covers that limit your success
- Failure of sales strategy
- Failure of salespeople
- Failure of sales management
What is the price of winning a profitable order from the wrong type of customer?
Where do you really want to sell? If you aren't very clear about who your customer is and who your customer isn't, you're in danger of hurting your business in the long term. Are you asking your managers to enact your strategy through their rhythm of the right type of training, coaching and accountability? Or are your managers actually focusing your salespeople on the wrong customers?
Are your eyes open to what's coming from left field that will make your niche disappear from under your feet? Phill recommends that you invest in higher education to give yourself time and space to think about your market, your competition, trends in your market.
Thursday May 07, 2020
Games Your People Need to Play
Thursday May 07, 2020
Thursday May 07, 2020
Tore Byström, Sales Director of #Celemi. He plays games for a living. Celemi is the world's leading experiential learning company and for the past 16 years Tore has been helping leaders, executives and manager in many of the world's biggest, most fast moving companies develop, retain and apply practical skills where people can see the consequences of their decisions in a low risk environment.
We discuss the power of play for adults. We explore how it creates constructive conflict, cohesion and commitment. Tore shares examples of the impact this approach can have to repairing fractured teams, eliminate political infighting, pull down walls and break down silos, bringing unity, respect and understanding.
A refreshing look at what is possible with great programme design coupled with the opportunity to fail repeatedly because these failures become teachable moments. What's most interesting is that the delegates teach each other, get to try out ideas, experiment and everybody, even your introverts get to be heard and make often stunning contributions.
If you are the owner or CEO of a technology company and your goal is to grow your business and achieve real, sustainable hypergrowth with highly engaged and highly productive employees and clients who stick with you year after year, let’s schedule time for a brief conversation.
To book a 1 to 1 with me or check out my 250+ podcast interviews with some of the best salespeople, sales leaders, sales psychologists, founders and entrepreneurs, trainers, coaches and authors click here - https://linktr.ee/marcuscauchi
Tuesday May 05, 2020
How Can You Win Deals That Are 5X Your Average Deal Size?
Tuesday May 05, 2020
Tuesday May 05, 2020
#LisaMagnuson is author of #TheTopSalesLeaderPlaybook and #TheTopSellerAdvantage. Her expertise is helping tech companies chasing large, #complexenterprisesales win deals that are 5X their average deal size.
We discuss the importance of planning and strategising, rehearsal and role play to iron out problems, preempt obstacles and objections and reduce the probability of chasing deal you cannot or should not win. Have you ever worked out the cost of an enterprise pursuit, win or lose? It can run into the £tens or £hundreds of thousands. If you have a low #winrate or a low order value it can mean you don't see a profit for months, even years. The second highest hidden cost in any business is the hidden cost of sales and one that bites deep into your bottom line.
If you aren't clear about what's the intersection between what the customer wants and needs and your strengths you can find yourself wasting an eye-watering pile of cash, squandering scarce and costly resources and diverting them from high value, high return real business you can and will win.
- Do you know what your win themes need to be?
- Have you agreed clear roles, responsibilities and #accountability in your account teams?
- Do you have #executivesponsorship and involvement from both sides?
- Have you identified the winning plays to win 5X deals?
Lisa and I have a very honest, unvarnished conversation that will help you identify what your team can be doing to raise your enterprise sales game, drive growth and secure the future of your tech business.
Contact Lisa via:
Lisa’s Profile: linkedin.com/in/toplinesalesWebsites-
toplinesales.com (Company Website)
toplinesales.com/blog/ (Blog)
Podbean: scaleupsandhypergrowth.podbean.com
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3t0Gge9e5XaB8REaqkiQ6u
Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/scaleups-and-hypergrowth-podcast/id1508754065
Tuesday Apr 28, 2020
Never Waste A Good Crisis
Tuesday Apr 28, 2020
Tuesday Apr 28, 2020
Crises don't create weaknesses, they expose them.
The Covid-19 crisis exposed massive deficiencies in many businesses: in their sales approach, their pipeline, in sales management, a lack of vision, lack of preparation, and highlighted serious talent gaps across the global sales profession.
#CarlosGarrido is co-CEO of #SandlerMiami. He is a keen student of the human condition and psychology. In this frank conversation he admits how he had become comfortable, deluding himself into thinking he was doing a great job. When the lockdown hit, he realised that he'd allowed himself to become complacent.
It was the shot in the arm he needed to get back to core principles. Unfazed by the noise, the doomsayers and the competitions' acceptance of their fate, Carlos went on a mission to thrive in the depressed, frightened economy. We discuss how we have both seized this, the BEST OPPORTUNITY almost every professional salesperson WILL EVER HAVE IN THEIR CAREER to get ahead.
He shares real world tactics that are working today. Many of you will find this uncomfortable because it was our intent to hold up the ugly mirror to you and shock you out of your excuses and torpor. Stop blaming the economy, the lockdown, the negative sentiment and grab the bull by the bollocks and wrench.
You are responsible for your results. You are responsible for making the best of this bad situation. Your families, your company, your team and your customers depend on you to provide leadership and a safe pair of hands to guide and help them out of this.
Nothing happens in the economy until salespeople sell something. We are the engine that will drive recovery.
"All will be well. We have, I believe, within us the life-strength and guiding light by which the tormented world around us may find the harbour of safety, after a storm-beaten voyage." - Winston Churchill
Carlos’ Profile: linkedin.com/in/carlosgarrido0Website: absolute.sandler.com (Company Website)
Sunday Apr 26, 2020
If You Want To Make Enemies, Recommend Change!
Sunday Apr 26, 2020
Sunday Apr 26, 2020
Prof #EddieObeng is CEO of #PentacleVirtualBusinessSchool and founder of #Qube. Eddie is the most famous business guru you've never heard of. An expert in facilitating lasting, effective change we tackle critical questions like:
- Should expensive CEOs be replaced by AI?
- Can virtual workplaces produce better results than physical office environments?
- Why do change programmes fail 75-80% of the time?
- How will others respond to the change you implement?
- How do you get your people to come up with the answers?
- How do you bed in new ways of working?
- What do most organisations overlook that lose them their intended competitive advantages?
- Why are your meetings boring and unproductive?
- How do you maximise effectiveness in a virtual business environment?
- Why benchmarking encourages terrible business practices & hides the truth about performance?
Change doesn't happen in isolation. If you change one moving part, it affects other parts of the business, people or your model. Eddie shares his 5 step E.D.D.I.E. model to prevent change programmes from being set up to fail from the start.
Eddie is a powerhouse of ideas, a serial business disruptor and a pioneer in the field of virtual business execution.
Join Eddie and me for an informative and highly engaging conversation about the future of work and how virtual workplaces will allow improved collaboration, greater diversity of thought and improved efficiency
To contact Eddie about #Qube, Pentacle Virtual Business School or have him guide you through a critical change programme that has buy in, beds in and delivers the results you were hoping for:
Eddie’s LinkedIn Profile: linkedin.com/in/prof-eddie-obengWebsites
PentacleTheVBS.com (Company Website)
pentaclenewworldtimes.blogspot.com/ (Pentacle: New World Times Blog)
imagineafish.blogspot.com/ (Blog)
- +44 (0) 1494678555 (Work)
Thursday Apr 23, 2020
Who Is The 1 Constant In All Your Dissatisfying Relationships?
Thursday Apr 23, 2020
Thursday Apr 23, 2020
#AmyWoodall is back for the 3rd time discussing why you must own your 50% of every interaction. We explore how to stay out of psychological games is possible if you own your 50. If you let your ego get hooked you will be dragged kicking and screaming into the #Drama Triangle, which describes every f**ked up, broken, dysfunctional relationship you can or will ever have.
We explore what that means for leaders, managers, salespeople and customers.
We delve into the #Winners' Triangle and how being vulnerably assertive can give you power and strength in the face of bullies, victims and micromanagers.
This episode is a tour de force by a genuine master of #TransactionalAnalysis. Listen to Amy and then listen to the world's most famous #ChipDoyle in my interview with him about using #TA in the sale and how to stay unattached and egoless in the sale: https://www.podbean.com/media/share/pb-8wfhf-d90b64
Together these interviews delivers the fundamental principles of #authenticselling and #authenticmanagement and help you take and maintain control over your own response to adversity, conflict or disappointment.
Please COMMENT and SUBSCRIBE. DOWNLOAD this episode to listen at your leisure.
Click the link to receive more in-depth interviews with leaders of Scaleups and Hypergrowth technology disruptors.
Tuesday Apr 21, 2020
Why Your Attachment Is Hurting Your Sales Results?
Tuesday Apr 21, 2020
Tuesday Apr 21, 2020
If you don't understand the principles and underlying psychology of human interactions, people appear unpredictable, sales will be misunderstood as an art and you will regularly be disappointed. This episode is full of eye popping surprises you can take and apply in your selling, in managing salespeople and in your client relationships. "Selling is a science. It's a process. Sales are predictable. It's predictable just like finance or manufacturing"
#ChipDoyle explains how #TA #TransactionalAnalysis plays out in every sale. We discuss the importance of applied transactional analysis to understand what is happening at every moment in every sale. I learn how to recognise when my child ego state is coming out to play and why it is so important to keep the child under adult supervision to prevent derailing your sale.
Chip explains how to sell, manage expectations and win referrals by applying TA. It will surprise many of you that Chip says, "I have made more money in the post sell step than any other part of the Sandler submarine". Not the up front contract, not pain, not budget but the #postsell. Learn why?
Join me and Chip in a down and dirty conversation about the deepest recesses of your mind and your prospects' minds. A fascinating expose into human behaviour.
Please COMMENT and SUBSCRIBE. DOWNLOAD this episode to listen at your leisure.
To receive alerts about in-depth interviews with leaders of #Scaleups and #Hypergrowth technology disruptors you can visit my other podcast go to scaleupsandhypergrowth.podbean.com.
Monday Apr 20, 2020
Understanding Your Prospects, Your People & New Hires To Scale Up
Monday Apr 20, 2020
Monday Apr 20, 2020
#DrewDAgostino is CEO and founder of #Crystal. Crystal uses AI to give you insights into the preferred communication and behavioural style through their LinkedIn profile. It's between 80-85% accurate and the best $29 a month you can invest in your sales team.
Drew and I discuss how being better prepared for every conversation you have with prospects and clients can positively impact your results. Understanding people with
We also explore the challenges and lessons from building 2 scale up businesses. Drew talks about investors and consequences for founders of taking the different types of money:
- Good money
- Dumb money
- Bad money
Saturday Apr 18, 2020
Why You Need To Coach Your Salespeople Properly With Genuine Data
Saturday Apr 18, 2020
Saturday Apr 18, 2020
I hope this interview upsets a lot of you. You need a kick up the arse if you are not coaching effectively. Telling is NOT coaching. Coaching is NOT OPTIONAL. NOT, NOT, NOT optional. And now you have no excuse under the corona lockdown because you can't hide behind being stuck in meetings or foreign travel
Coaching is a board level issue. Ignore this fact at your peril.
Visit https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/sales-coaching-board-level-discussion-richard-smith if you question this fact.
Dynamic coaching can deliver a 27.6% improvement in win rates for forecasted deals. Even a formal approach to coaching can deliver a 13.5% improvement in win rates. (CSO Insights)
Those sales people who aren’t coached are 27% MORE likely to miss quota than those who are coached.
#RichardSmith is Sales Director at #Refract.ai. Refract record and analyse sales calls and coaching calls to help managers improve their coaching of their salespeople. Their AI analyses the call and helps managers pinpoint teachable moments drawing on the millions of calls from which they have captured.
What was the talk time balance? Use of verbs and adjectives? How silence was used (or more likely NOT used!)? Emphasis, nuance, when specific topics are brought up in the call e.g. price, competitors, specific objections and how they were handled or neutralised.
Coaching is NOT an option if you want to see performance of your salespeople rise. It is an act of gross negligence by you as the manager to fail to coach your people. It is an act of stupidity, ignorance and idiocy (am I making the point forcefully enough?) and should be seen as an act of gross misconduct.
Leaders, you are not free of blame. Stop over-burdening sales managers, who have the most precarious position in your business with utterly onanistic reporting to feed your bean counters with data that is frankly inaccurate and often potentially harmful to feed your bad decisions. Making investment decisions based on forecasts that a Voodoo soothsayer could do a better job of predicting than your salespeople is utter lunacy.
Have a listen and weep
You can get hold of Richard at:
Richard’s Profile: linkedin.com/in/richard-smith-refractWebsite: refract.ai (Company Website)Email: richard@refract.aiTwitter: richard_refractPlease COMMENT and SUBSCRIBE to receive more in-depth interviews with sales leaders. DOWNLOAD this episode to listen at your leisure.
Check out my new Podcast #ScaleupsAndHyperGrowth for intimate, in-depth interviews packed with real world lessons from disruptive technology #scaleups who have architected and navigated the turbulent and often terrifying waters of #hypergrowth and made it out the other side without the wheels coming off
ScaleupsAndHyperGrowth or on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3t0Gge9e5XaB8REaqkiQ6u