
Tuesday Oct 22, 2019
What you Need To Know About Selling to the C-Suite
Tuesday Oct 22, 2019
Tuesday Oct 22, 2019
#SteveHall has carved a place for himself by helping others sell to the C-suite. He helps CEOs unblock the bottleneck to growth when sales have stalled.
We explore why ineffective salespeople so often get stuck in sales Siberia, the traps many create for themselves by over reliance on one or other social media channel and why so many have bloated pipelines full on non-opportunities, stalled deals, prospects who tell them they need to "think it over" and why forecasts are little better than a finger in the air.
He shares excellent ideas on how to break this pattern and reverse your sales fortunes by engaging with the people in your target accounts who can make things happen and find budget where none currently exists.
Steve is another grizzled old sales veteran of complex, high ticket international sales, helping solve strategic problems for C-suite executives.
We discuss why most salespeople behave like a drunk travellers back from Magaluf who insist on showing photos of their holidays to unwilling strangers! It's not pretty and it's not clever! This interview is a great precursor to my next interview with #AnthonyIannarino which explores how to #displaceincumbentcompetitors
You can contact Steve via LinkedIn
or via his website executivesalescoaching.com.au
or via his email steve@executivesalescoaching.com.au
and Twitter on @stevehallsydney
If you are the owner or CEO of a technology company in the £10m-50m revenue range, and your goal is to grow your business and achieve real, sustainable hypergrowth with highly engaged and highly productive employees and clients who stick with you year after year, let’s schedule time for a brief conversation.
To book a 1 to 1 with me or check out my 250+ podcast interviews with some of the best salespeople, sales leaders, sales psychologists, founders and entrepreneurs, trainers, coaches and authors click here - https://linktr.ee/marcuscauchi

Thursday Oct 17, 2019
What you need to know to build an international sales channel
Thursday Oct 17, 2019
Thursday Oct 17, 2019
#NickJones has gone from start up to exit in the past 15 years. He built his business entirely through #internationalsaleschannels. The #alliances and #partnerships he built allowed him to scale and grow fast, establishing highly influential relationships through the Middle East and Africa within governments, education systems and infrastructure.
He focused on working with a small group of special forces partners. He helped them sell, to make money and they have been loyal, highly productive and taken him into their best accounts. He invested time in making them successful, teaching them how to sell what his company produced.
His early days in channel sales were held back by managers who thought like everyone else, lacked imagination and actually harmed the trust he'd built up with him partners who then refused to take him into their end customers. That was the catalyst that drove him to set up his own business. From humble beginnings to $hundreds of millions in annual revenues, Nick learned to scale a business without the wheels coming off.
He tells his story, and discusses what worked, what didn't the challenges any scale up will face and what you need to do to stay focused, on track and keep your profits healthy.
Nick is now semi-retired and looking for his next project. Together we are looking for 8 scale up technology companies who want to grow at 200%+ per annum year on year to achieve over $1billion in annual sales over the next 8 years
Channel sales is THE toughest sales role there is in sales bar none. Take a look at what an average channel manager has to do ...
If you are the owner or CEO of a technology company in the £10m-50m revenue range, and your goal is to grow your business and achieve real, sustainable hypergrowth with highly engaged and highly productive employees and clients who stick with you year after year, let’s schedule time for a brief conversation.
To book a 1 to 1 with me or check out my 250+ podcast interviews with some of the best salespeople, sales leaders, sales psychologists, founders and entrepreneurs, trainers, coaches and authors click here - https://linktr.ee/marcuscauchi

Tuesday Oct 08, 2019
What You Need to Know About Disciplined Execution
Tuesday Oct 08, 2019
Tuesday Oct 08, 2019
#DaveBrock, former theoretical physicist, author of best selling #TheSalesManagerSurvivalGuide and globally renowned sales and growth expert discusses what's wrong with sales and how to fix it. Be prepared for a trip into the world of Schrödinger's sales manager!
#SalesManagers receive less than 5% of the investment in their training than salespeople receive. Yet their negative impact on a business can easily be 10x the negative impact of a bad sales hire. And a bad sales hire can easily cost a business 35 to 125x their salary.
Let that sink in for a moment!
Sales Managers can cost a business 350x to 1250x their salary! It doesn't make sense to be HIGHLY selective in who you hire as a sales manager, does it? Think about it, if you hire a bad manager, who is most likely to leave - your weakest or your strongest salespeople? And when they go, who will they take with them to your competition? Your best customers. Is that what you really want?
Dave and I discuss in depth the problems with #salesleadership, #salesmanagement and #sales. We dig into #saleshiring, #onboardingsalespeople, #salestraining, #salesmanagementtraining. We explore the misconceptions of management, the disconnects between sales and HR, sales and marketing, sales and management. And we uncover the real #silverbullet, the #magicdust in sales management ...
Yes, it is as painfully obvious as that. Do the basics well over time and mean it. Say no to extraneous, superfluous, shiny stuff to free up time for what actually matters.
This next fact should make you want to retch if you own or run a business. Dave's research suggests that the #TimeAvailableForSelling in most organisations is as low as 9% and averages just 12-21%.
In an era when fewer than 45% of salespeople worldwide are hitting quota, with 67.9% at or below 60% of quota, it's time to take a good, long, hard look in the mirror and ask, as management, what are we doing to be sales prevention officers?
With the best of intentions, initiatives intended to drive performance, drive data capture, drive reporting, constant interruptions, increased complexity, have taken salespeople away from their core functions - prospecting, speaking to customers, advancing and closing sales.
Subscribe to Dave's newsletter/blog. It contains a golden nugget of raw, uncommon sense #PartnersInExcellenceBlog every time it hits your in box. Dave also recommends the #FarnamStreetBlog (fs.blog) and having subscribed I wholeheartedly recommend it too. Once you learn how to sell invest ALL your time in learning about people and how they function, think and what makes them tick. FS.blog is packed with outstanding material on how people think, what drives behaviour. Dave, thank you for this amazing recommendation.
If you are the owner or CEO of a technology company in the £10m-50m revenue range, and your goal is to grow your business and achieve real, sustainable hypergrowth with highly engaged and highly productive employees and clients who stick with you year after year, let’s schedule time for a brief conversation.
To book a 1 to 1 with me or check out my 250+ podcast interviews with some of the best salespeople, sales leaders, sales psychologists, founders and entrepreneurs, trainers, coaches and authors click here - https://linktr.ee/marcuscauchi

Wednesday Oct 02, 2019
Selling From The Heart With Larry Levine
Wednesday Oct 02, 2019
Wednesday Oct 02, 2019
Warning: Some salty, impassioned language, fuelled by fury and rage!
What's wrong with sales? What's wrong with sales management? What's wrong with the intent of salespeople and their bosses?
The quest for magic dust and #commissionbreath! Everyone wants to be a rock star - fame and fortune - without putting in the graft. The Beatles were an overnight success only after playing 12 hours a day, 7 days a week for 7 years in a Hamburg cellar.
Lack of patience, failure to coach, confusing coaching with telling, lack of leadership, unstructured sales, lack of planning, failure to rehearse, winging it are topics we dig deep on. Imagine what would happen if everyone in your sales team was held account to practice, plan and prepare.
And what the hell is going on with the failure to invest in your managers? It's lunacy that senior leaders in business refuse to invest in sales management or veteran salespeople. #SalesManagers are in the most precarious management position there is, and according to #JonathanFarrington only 6% (SIX PERCENT) are qualified to be in the role, WORLDWIDE. Just because you were successful as a salesperson does not equip you to manage salespeople. far from it. And the idea that veteran salespeople don't need to be developed, trained and coached is another harmful myth. They need it as much, if not more than your juniors. Why? Because they are running your biggest and best accounts and they're facing predation from the competition every day. They need to stay fresh. Overlook them and one of 3 bad outcomes will happen:
1. They'll stagnate and become a problem in time, or block progression of brighter, younger rising stars
2. They'll be outsold and you'll lose some of your best accounts
3. They'll get so pissed off with you they'll set up in competition with you
This is a barnstormer of an interview with Larry and I competing for the worst acts of idiocy and self-sabotage we've seen in the sales arena.
Larry tells how he was humbled and schooled by a CFO who kicked his arse because the experience of being the buyer was excruciating. It fuelled a sea change in his selling beliefs, changed his behaviour forever and catalysed the values that built the foundations of Selling From The Heart.
If you've not yet read Larry's exceptional book, #SellingFromThe Heart, go and get it now. If you comment on this podcast I can send you the first 3 chapters for free.
You can contact Larry on:
sellingfromtheheart.net/ (What's Selling From the Heart?)
sellingfromtheheart.net/podcast-home/ (Listen to the podcast)
amzn.to/2Mvdrd1 (Learn about his book)
- +1(805) 586-3245 x 302 (Work)
If you are the owner or CEO of a technology company in the £10m-50m revenue range, and your goal is to grow your business and achieve real, sustainable hypergrowth with highly engaged and highly productive employees and clients who stick with you year after year, let’s schedule time for a brief conversation.
To book a 1 to 1 with me or check out my 250+ podcast interviews with some of the best salespeople, sales leaders, sales psychologists, founders and entrepreneurs, trainers, coaches and authors click here - https://linktr.ee/marcuscauchi
And if you want to become part of our global community #SalesAForceForGood #SAFFG, please DM me on LinkedIn or email me at marcus@laughs-last.com. You can track down events and posts by following the hashtag #ProCustomer #BuyerSafety

Sunday Sep 29, 2019
Tony Hughes: What You Need to Know About Leading Salespeople
Sunday Sep 29, 2019
Sunday Sep 29, 2019
#TonyJHughes is the most widely read sales expert on LinkedIn with over 100,000 followers, author of 2 bestselling books, #TheJoshuaPrinciple and #ComboProspecting, successful enterprise sales professional and serial CEO.
We discuss #Attitude and #Mindset, we explore how to exploit traditional and modern #prospecting tools and tactics in combination to maximise #prospectingeffectiveness. We explore #salesleadership beliefs, behaviours, #salesbestpractices and #salesmisconceptions.
To be an effective salesperson who differentiates in the minds of your prospects, you have to behave differently from the outset. Great salespeople understand that the heavy lifting needs to be done before you first speak to the prospect. Tony shares his 3 decades experience in #sales, #salesmanagement and #salesleadership to do the right things, in the right way at the right time, with the right people and the right intent.
A refreshingly frank, pragmatic and practical conversation with all theory based in practice, Tony's insights are based on his real world experiences and persistent success. His lessons are critical for all sales leaders, business owners and salespeople to heed.
You can connect with Tony here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hughestony/ or visit his website at
tonyhughes.com.au (Personal Website)
rsvpselling.com/ (Company Website)
If you are the owner or CEO of a technology company in the £10m-50m revenue range, and your goal is to grow your business and achieve real, sustainable hypergrowth with highly engaged and highly productive employees and clients who stick with you year after year, let’s schedule time for a brief conversation.
To book a 1 to 1 with me or check out my 250+ podcast interviews with some of the best salespeople, sales leaders, sales psychologists, founders and entrepreneurs, trainers, coaches and authors click here - https://linktr.ee/marcuscauchi

Friday Sep 27, 2019
What Happens When You Stop Selling And Start Leading?
Friday Sep 27, 2019
Friday Sep 27, 2019
#DebCalvert @PeopleFirstPS is best selling author of " #StopSelling#StartLeading " and " #DISCOVERQuestions ", founder and President of People First Productivity Solutions and founder of #TheSalesExpertsChannel
We have a very robust conversation about what good, bad and ugly look like in the area of sales and management questions. #Questioning and #listening are critical skills in sales and leadership that are often butchered by average practitioners. Average questions leave your prospects saying "Meh!" and leave your salespeople confused or no better off. Questions should deliver insight, demonstrate credibility and differentiate you from your rivals. Most are like being savaged by a damp sheep!
Deb and I explore #SalesEnablement vs #SalesEnoblement, a long overdue conversation about #Values and #SellerIntent. Too many golden nuggets to mention here. You're just going to have to listen.
And then we pronounce a death sentence on sales management mediocrity. If you own or run a business, this section is a must listen. If you think hiring a bad salesperson is expensive, hire a series of bad managers and see how far back that sets your exit plan, your profits and your reputation.
Deb is a sales titan who influences and serves some of the most successful sales organisations and top performers in the world. Smart, savvy and pulls no punches
Check out her profile on #LinkedIn here: linkedin.com/in/debcalvertpeoplefirst
Follow #TheSalesExpertsChannel here: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/13500564/
If you are the owner or CEO of a technology company in the £10m-50m revenue range, and your goal is to grow your business and achieve real, sustainable hypergrowth with highly engaged and highly productive employees and clients who stick with you year after year, let’s schedule time for a brief conversation.
To book a 1 to 1 with me or check out my 250+ podcast interviews with some of the best salespeople, sales leaders, sales psychologists, founders and entrepreneurs, trainers, coaches and authors click here - https://linktr.ee/marcuscauchi

Wednesday Sep 25, 2019
Why You Need To Know What It's Really Like Being Your Customer
Wednesday Sep 25, 2019
Wednesday Sep 25, 2019
Have you ever wondered what it's really like to be one of your customers? In the cutthroat world of technology, your customers' experience can mean the difference between winning or keeping £billions in lifetime customer revenues.
#LeahanneHobson and her Vienna based company #AlineaPartners uncover the truth about buying from you. #CustomerExperience goes so much deeper than the simple transaction. Every touch, from their first visit to your website, to trying to find information, even as simple as your phone number, how long it takes to get an answer to questions, to aftercare and handling complaints determines who buys and who doesn't, how much they buy, how long they remain a customer and how often they will refer or damn you in the eyes of others.
It's too important to leave to chance. Imagine a buyer having to make 27 attempts to get through to you or leave 23 messages before getting any response! Of course this doesn't happen often. Actually, such stories are all too common.
Fighting so hard to get business in through the front door only to let it run out of the back door due to avoidable oversights, laziness, underinvestment and neglect are false economies.
Leahanne and I have a robust conversation about the #customerjourney, translating that into the #partnerexperience and the simple changes you can make to create a winning #buyerexperience, to build #loyalty, #referrals and #growprofits through
- improved buying processes -- more people buy from you & are happier when they do
- aligned, optimised sales & marketing for the betterment of customers
- changed business models - do not force customers to accept something new just because it’s new
- nurtured salespeople with larger communities & more buyers who want to buy from them
Better buying processes mean more successful salespeople. You know how hard it is to find and recruit good salespeople. Making their job harder than it needs to be means the wrong type of sales turnover. Ensuring #sales, #marketing and #customersuccess teams are aligned means you spend less time undermining your investments in all 3 and you realise your investments in #salesenablement technologies.
Contact Leahanne on leahanne.hobson@alinea-partners.com or by phone on +4369911801433. Follow her on Twitter @LeahanneHobson
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If you are the owner or CEO of a technology company in the £10m-50m revenue range, and your goal is to grow your business and achieve real, sustainable hypergrowth with highly engaged and highly productive employees and clients who stick with you year after year, let’s schedule time for a brief conversation.
To book a 1 to 1 with me or check out my 250+ podcast interviews with some of the best salespeople, sales leaders, sales psychologists, founders and entrepreneurs, trainers, coaches and authors click here - https://linktr.ee/marcuscauchi

Monday Sep 09, 2019
What You Need to Know About The Rise of the Shadow Channel
Monday Sep 09, 2019
Monday Sep 09, 2019
#JayMcBain, lead analyst at Forrester coined the term #ShadowChannel in homage to a trend last decade called shadow IT or rogue IT. You brought your own devices to work and IT Directors had heart attacks. Well, the shadow channel simply refers to non-traditional partners who are becoming a powerful force in the technology market - professional services like accountants, SaaS ecosystem partners like media agencies, born-in-the-cloud, start-ups, systems integrators moving down into the mid- and small business market. It includes, Marketplaces, App Exchanges, the sale of IoT (Internet Of Things), hardware, software, Plug and Play Services
Why would you care?
This shadow channel is experiencing explosive growth - #Salesforce is closing down its reseller channel and recruiting 250,000 new non-transacting partners over the next 4 years to exploit the $4.14 downstream revenue for every $1 Salesforce generates. Forrester is forecasting that ISVs (independent software vendors) will grow their tech alliance partnerships from 175,000 worldwide today to more than 1,000,000 by 2029. Investment is flooding into the space with over 5,000 ISVs receiving in excess of $1m in investment in 2019 to co-sell, co-market with alliance partners. The exponential growth in RPA (robotic process automation), low or no-code programming of software, AI (artificial intelligence), ML (machine learning) and other forms of emerging technology is causing heads to reel.
Jay and I discuss the changing channel landscape, what it means for laggards and thought leaders, the size of the market, the opportunity it represents and why demographics is having such a marked impact on the technology channel. We explore a concept Jay calls #vectors which allows you to make some sense of the channel complexity which is coming which looks like it will offer 35 MILLION permutations to hyper-specialise.
We discuss the new buying journey and how you can get in at the start of that journey to influence the buying journey to capitalise on your clients' rapidly changing needs with margins as high as 60-80%. You'll learn why it is critical that you adapt what you say and who you are speaking to if you are to survive in a market where up to 80% of buying decisions will be made by the lines of business managers NOT by IT, and in a market where 90% of technology will be sold with or through partners by 2026, which is just around the corner in case you thought you had a lot of time!
Eye-opening change being delivered at eye-watering speed, this interview with Jay McBain explains why understanding the shadow channel could represent a watershed moment in your business or career
Jay's excellent blog can be found here: jaymcbain.com
He can be found on Twitter
Jay has been involved in the channel for the past 3 decades at #IBM, #Lenovo, #Datto and #ChannelEyes, is a key global influencer and a highly sought after speaker
If you are the owner or CEO of a technology company in the £10m-50m revenue range, and your goal is to grow your business and achieve real, sustainable hypergrowth with highly engaged and highly productive employees and clients who stick with you year after year, let’s schedule time for a brief conversation.
To book a 1 to 1 with me or check out my 250+ podcast interviews with some of the best salespeople, sales leaders, sales psychologists, founders and entrepreneurs, trainers, coaches and authors click here - https://linktr.ee/marcuscauchi

Wednesday Aug 28, 2019
Learning From Scar Tissue: Confessions of a Channel Sales Street Fighter
Wednesday Aug 28, 2019
Wednesday Aug 28, 2019
#PaulLloyd has been involved in #channelsales for the past 35 years. He's made a lot of mistakes along the way. Failure is your best teacher - your own and the failures of others. Paul has developed a lot of scar tissue in that time, seen fads come and go and has learned that success in #partnerships happens when you have to focus on doing the basics well, consistently, over time and meaning them.
He's worked in #VAR, #MSP, #Disti / #Distribution and #ITVendor. He's worked in small and medium operators, #scaleups, #startups and #turnarounds.
Like me, his experience has made him suitably cynical and jaded because he sees so many acts of stupidity, self-sabotage and selfishness in the channel. We discuss some of them in detail
* Why #DealRegistration is a bad thing for smaller partners and for customers
* Why #partners suffer from vendor fatigue and frustration
* Why partners aren't loyal
* Why cultural lack of awareness kill opportunities and damages trust
Paul has built a software vendor's channel sales into the £multi-millions by working with fewer partners, understanding what they want to achieve and helping them achieve it and supporting them to meet their own goals and objectives. He's built an MSP from virtually the ground floor to £90m per annum.
He pulls no punches, speaks directly to what's wrong, what works, what doesn't.
Well worth an hour of your time.
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You can contact Paul at #Sellerly via linkedin.com/in/plloyd
Or phone 07764 247444 (Mobile)Or email paul@sellerly.co.ukOr Twitter paullloyd1
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If you want to be a guest or have someone you believe would be a great guest for me to interview, please email me at marcus@laughs-last.com with "Podcast Guest" in the subject line
If you are the owner or CEO of a technology company in the £10m-50m revenue range, and your goal is to grow your business and achieve real, sustainable hypergrowth with highly engaged and highly productive employees and clients who stick with you year after year, let’s schedule time for a brief conversation.
To book a 1 to 1 with me or check out my 250+ podcast interviews with some of the best salespeople, sales leaders, sales psychologists, founders and entrepreneurs, trainers, coaches and authors click here - https://linktr.ee/marcuscauchi

Friday Aug 23, 2019
Don't Try To Get Your Emotional Needs Met On A Sales Call
Friday Aug 23, 2019
Friday Aug 23, 2019
#BradMcDonald was the captain of a nuclear submarine before he retired from the navy and became a salesman. Going from being the master of his own destiny where his word was law, responsible for the lives and security of millions in his hands, to a sweaty handed, gibbering wreck terrified by secretaries giving hem a hard time the other end of a phone, Brad documents his journey from sales dud to sales stud!
Author of the excellent book THE ART AND SKILL OF SALES PSYCHOLOGY (UK link), Brad and I discuss the science behind the art of selling, sales psychology and sales management.
Today, Brad is one of the home office coaches for the Sandler franchisee network so he gets to speak to a lot of messed up, sick puppies like me! He had his own franchise for many years and prior to that sold financial products.
He explains the foundations of the Sandler selling system, Transactional Analysis. Sandler has great technique which works well on their own BUT, if you understand the psychological underpinnings to the system, and apply them with the techniques, you can take your selling to another level entirely.
Like, comment and share this video with your sales team, your managers, your bosses. Buy Brad's book (US link)
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Do you know someone who'd be an interesting guest for my podcast? Email me their detail on marcus@laughs-last.com
Perhaps you'd be a good guest? Have you written a book on sales, management or channel sales? Are you interesting? Drop me a line.
Happy selling folks!
If you are the owner or CEO of a technology company in the £10m-50m revenue range, and your goal is to grow your business and achieve real, sustainable hypergrowth with highly engaged and highly productive employees and clients who stick with you year after year, let’s schedule time for a brief conversation.
To book a 1 to 1 with me or check out my 250+ podcast interviews with some of the best salespeople, sales leaders, sales psychologists, founders and entrepreneurs, trainers, coaches and authors click here - https://linktr.ee/marcuscauchi