
Tuesday Nov 07, 2023
Al McBride: Why Good Negotiation Rarely Happens At The End of the Sale?
Tuesday Nov 07, 2023
Tuesday Nov 07, 2023
Listen to #negotiationcoach Al McBride on ep 503 of #TheInquisitorPodcast with Marcus Cauchi.
Join Al and Marcus as their fascinating discussion finds connections between hard-earned lessons. Al shares how dealing art taught him the power of emotion in sales and the quirky characters that schooled him. "Sell hope, not objects," one eccentric advised.
Building on decades of experience, Al explains how truly internalizing your value is key to confidently assuaging customers' every concern. "If they sense doubt in your pitch, the deal is doomed," he explains. Listen closely as Marcus draws out priceless insights, like how to make prospects feel fully understood without coming off as disingenuous.
Hear Al's best practices for establishing trust and meeting both sides' needs from the start. Discover how to understand your counterpart fully so cooperation can create value for all. As one client said, "With Al's help, agreements feel effortless - he has a gift for joint problem-solving."
Absorb Al's wisdom on keeping discussions solution-focused, not positional or simply transactional. Learn to see beyond initial demands to hidden interests, find value that transcends cost, unlocking innovative options where compromise is unnecessary. He trusts that serving mutual interests consistently creates common ground and dry land upon which to build bridges for the long-term.
Contact Al via linkedin.com/in/alistairmcbride
- almcbride.com/category/podcast/ (Dealing With Goliath Podcast)
- almcbride.com (Coaching & Consulting)
- almcbride.com/one-to-one-coaching/ (Schedule a Call With Me)
Email: al@almcbride.com
Twitter: AlMcBride
If you want to grab time in my calendar for a coaching call complete the Selling Aptitude Test. You'll probably learn something you didn't know about yourself and at least one way you can improve your performance in the next 30 days.
Happy selling!

Thursday Oct 26, 2023
The AI Wild West: Can Laws and Ethics Tame the Frontier? with Mark Consigli
Thursday Oct 26, 2023
Thursday Oct 26, 2023
Mark Consigli is a coprorate lawyer with decades of experience and a particular interest in the Law and AI. Listen to the implications and opportunities presented by this fab new tech we don't understand!
This isn't our first rodeo with potentially dangerous new tech. The printing press, industrial revolution - all sparked alarm about instruments that might unbridle an underclass.
But stifling innovation is rarely the wisest solution. Curbing AI may numb humanity's progress - which ethically speaking, seems questionable.
Still, some control is prudent. Without reins, AI could become a raging bull bearing down on civilisation. Regulations should focus on nefarious applications, not neutering the tech itself. If you've used AI of late and ask it anything that might offend, you will have a hell of a time getting the answers you want if it triggers the "I'm offended" switch. I write to offend, challenge, provoke and it's a pain in the ask not questions!
Banning deepfakes? Reasonable. Demanding open-source models? Dodgy. Transparency welcomingly weeds out biases. Opaqueness rightly raises eyebrows. But a model's IP has pecuniary value. Are transparency demands ethical? Are the LLM creators ripping off creators?
Give people agency over data-privacy, sure. But don't be daft - zero risk means zero innovation. Trial and error is innovation's bosom buddy. Any of you Web 3.0 or crypto folks got anythng to say about this?
Education counteracts blind AI faith. Remember - garbage in, garbage out. AI isn't a soothsaying sage - it's a data-crunching calculator. A very obedient 8 year old who does what you tell it. If you responses aren't good THAT's ON YOU and your terrible questions!
Involve all stakeholders when hatching regulations - technocrats, academics, ethicists, lawmakers. Deliberately balance. Reactiveness is reasoning's Achilles heel.
Uphold ethics and principles, don't throttle progress. Freedom of expression needn't foster mayhem. This is a technical tightrope, not a legislative see-saw.
Walk wisely. AI could either augur our ascent or trigger our downfall. The choice is ours. Choose judiciously. And wait for Quantum and Ai to go together! BOOOM!
Contact Mark via linkedin.com/in/mark-consigliWebsite: calendly.com/mark_consigli/30min (Company)
Twitter: ConsigliMark
Are you curious to learn whether your strengths are your strengths and how you stack up? For 4 listeners who take the NEW Sales Aptitude Test, you will get a chance to guest on the show on 31 October for our Hallowe'en Raise Your Dead Deal Fest 2023. Click now to secure your spot on the show.

Tuesday Oct 24, 2023
Tuesday Oct 24, 2023
Ep. 501: Today's Big Idea is ... Effective, sustainable marketing requires strategic thinking, customer focus, and adapting to changing contexts. Marketers should align with sales, build trust, and provide timely, relevant value. No shit Sherlock ... but how many of you are doing anything even resembling what Aaron talks about.
Aaron Hassen has been at the sharp end of marketing for the past 19 years since he left the military.
He advocates taking the hard path:
Align your marketing strategy tightly with sales to deliver an exceptional unified customer experience.
Listen intently to identify your own blindspots. Perhaps an over-reliance on metrics versus strategy or you have a feature you love so much you have to tell them about it, even if it means talking your way out of the sale?
Aaron reminds you that buyers change, their stage in their business lifecycle differs and unless you adapt, you will become irrelevant and be dropped. Embrace new contexts and buyer behaviours. Imagine the customer's emotional perspective.
Nurture personal branding and networks to boost leadership. Engage frontline staff for insights.
Determine the brand purpose that resonates emotionally. Diagnose the problems to address through organisational alignment.
We dig into these blindspots:
- Not realizing how specialized and metrics-driven marketing has become, losing strategic value
- Focusing too much on short-term results vs long-term brand building
- Not aligning marketing initiatives tightly with sales and the rest of the organization
- Not adapting strategies and messaging to fit changing economic contexts
- Over-relying on technology like AI without a human focus
Contact Aaron on LinkedIn - linkedin.com/in/aaronhassen
- aaronhassen.com (Company)
- aaronhassen.com/expert-interviews (Portfolio)
Are you curious to learn whether your strengths are your strengths and how you stack up? For 4 listeners who take the NEW Sales Aptitude Test, you will get a chance to guest on the show on Hallowe'en 2023. Click now.

Monday Oct 16, 2023
Monday Oct 16, 2023
Ep 500:A Question of
Ask, Listen, Outclass Your Competition.
Ep 500: The Art of Asking Questions - A Masterclass in Curiosity
In this special 500th episode, Marcus Cauchi shares his a few of his best insights and techniques for asking powerful questions. Through coaching real sellers and founders live, he demonstrates how carefully crafted questions can uncover obstacles, open minds, and drive conversations forward.
What You'll Learn From This Episode
- Observe how Marcus listens intently and focuses on understanding the other person's real problem before jumping to solutions.
- Notice how he peels back layers of confusion by asking simple but thoughtful follow-up questions.
- See how he builds trust and credibility by not applying pressure or giving unsolicited advice.
- Learn several of Marcus' frameworks for crafting open-ended, imaginative questions that provoke creative thinking.
- Discover how patience and curiosity are key to guiding people to their own breakthroughs and decisions.
"I've carried my sales team's quota the last 2 months by applying tactics I learned from this podcast. I recently closed two of my biggest deals ever ($400k and $300k) thanks to insights from The Inquisitor." Ed, Account Executive, Fintech, Mid-Market Sales
Thank You!
Thank you to you, our loyal listener for supporting the growth of #TheInquisitor over 500 episodes and rapidly over 180,000 downloads! Suzanne and I ask a favour, that you share this episode with others who could benefit from improving their questioning skills.
And please give the show a review, good or bad, witty or serious. We depend on you sharing the show. We don't charge, we don't carry advertising - please support us by telling others. And talking to us about what you learn, what you want to learn. This is a great adventure we share - have your say and tell us what you need, how we can make the show even better, more useful. And recommend great guests, please.
Also check out Marcus' coaching for more in-depth learning on powerful strategies to immediately improve your sales conversations and remove friction from your buyer's decision to buy from you.
P.S. Want to know something about yourself and your selling that you don't know now? Complete the new and vastly improved Modern Selling Aptitude Test v3.0 - Click here to get your SATv3.0:
Book a free 30 minute results review and I will share your #BuyerSafetyScore and your #PipelineCertaintyScore, and help you pinpoint one obstacle over which you have control that is holding you back.

Monday Aug 07, 2023
Monday Aug 07, 2023
Simon Severino lives by the ethos, "Fast as a cheetah, Happy as a dog!". He has been transforming companies with StrategySprints(TM) and elegantly simple tools to remove your risk and uncertainty, and to drive momentum.
Simon Severino as a specialist in helping entrepreneurs succeed by getting to the core of what makes their business work. He explains that they will discuss topics like using weekly sprints to rapidly test what's working, strategies to simplify sales and marketing, tools for better financial management, and avoiding common blindspots.
For 21 years, Simon has helped entrepreneurs crush it in the market. He loves solving the big questions and intellectual challenges of building a business. After working with big brands and agencies, he now runs a super lean company coaching solo- and micropreneurs to get their lives back and work just 6 focused hours per day.
Key Conversation Points:
Using weekly sprints to identify what's working vs. not working helps focus time on high-value activities. Refining your offer also simplifies marketing and sales.You never waste longer than a week before adjusting if it isn't working
Smart cost-cutting and the entrepreneur's budget provide visibility into money flows to inform decisions and reduce expenses.
Defining your strategic value around helping clients prepare for the future sets you apart as a niche expert.
Increasing sales through frequency, conversion rates, and pricing is achievable through small optimisations.
Building a lean team with systems, software and freelancers allows scaling without more people.
Creating clear sales pipeline stages, from engaged prospect to proposal (remember your proposals are STATEMENTS OF WORK, never works of fiction penned by you, the author. Your buy, streamlines the process.
Blind spots like lack of self-awareness and financial literacy hold entrepreneurs back from success.
Happiness comes from focusing on what you control daily, weekly, and monthly. Excuses like lack of time are lies we tell ourselves.
- strategysprints.com (Company)
- strategysprints.com/love (Portfolio)
- calendly.com/strategysprint/discovery-call (Personal)
Are you curious to learn whether your strengths are your strengths and how you stack up? For 4 listeners who take the NEW Sales Aptitude Test, you will get a chance to guest on the show on Hallowe'en 2023. Click now.

Wednesday Aug 02, 2023
Unleashing the Power of Mental Toughness with Anthony Taylor
Wednesday Aug 02, 2023
Wednesday Aug 02, 2023
Discover the transformative potential of mental toughness in leadership and team building. Tune in to his insightful podcast with Anthony Taylor, a recognised expert in mental toughness and author, to delve into the art of cultivating resilient leaders and high-performing teams.
Understand the power of mental toughness, the balance of sensitivity and toughness, and the tools to build mental fitness. Dive deep into the world of empathetic leadership, mental fitness, and innovative recruitment strategies.
Take your leadership skills to the next level and meet the challenges of the modern work environment head-on. Ready to start your journey? [Book a coaching session with Marcus](https://calendly.com/marcuscauchi).
Mental toughness is more than just a buzzword; it's a critical personality trait that dictates how we respond to stress, pressure, and challenges. It's not about being macho; it's about the power of the mind. This podcast will guide you through the complexity of mental toughness, its benefits, and its impact on performance.
The MTQ+ test offers a glimpse into people's mental responses in varying situations, can be an invaluable tool in recruitment, leadership development, and team building. Cultivating mental fitness requires understanding one's mental toughness profile, developing emotional intelligence, and fostering good mental health through exercise, healthy eating, and volunteering.
Being a good leader is not about controlling but about influencing others with praise, empowerment, and delegation. Remember, setbacks should not affect one's self-concept or self-worth. Instead, they should be seen as opportunities for growth and learning.
Contact Anthony via LinkedIn - linkedin.com/in/ant-taylor-mentaltoughness
Mobile 07771 892479
Email anthony@threefifty9.com
Twitter: AntTaylor72
Ready to transform your leadership skills and create high-performing teams that thrive in the face of pressure? [Book your coaching session with Marcus Cauchi today](https://calendly.com/marcuscauchi).

Monday Jul 31, 2023
Monday Jul 31, 2023
Mark Schaefer, marketing strategist, keynote speaker, university educator, and bestselling author of "Marketing Rebellion," "KNOWN," "Cumulative Advantage" and his latest book, "Belonging to the Brand." We discuss community, how to build it, how to get out of the way, the temptations to avoid if you want your community to flourish.
🔥 Are you ready to revolutionise your marketing game and soar above your competitors?
💡 Uncover the power of personal branding as Mark shares the untold secrets to crafting an unshakable reputation that opens doors and boosts your career like never before.
💪 Embrace the disruptive potential of building thriving communities and interconnected ecosystems. Unleash the force of your collective strength to dominate your target market with unparalleled authority.
⚡️ Mark and Marcus shatter the illusion of being just another source of information. Instead, they empower you to deliver bold insights that command attention, admiration, and unyielding loyalty.
🌐 Navigate the dynamic world of marketing with confidence. Embrace change, adapt to shifting trends, and seize new opportunities to future-proof your business against any challenge.
🚀 Are you prepared to embrace the future and conquer your industry? Tune in and unleash your marketing superpowers with Mark Schaefer!
💥 How will you wield these cutting-edge strategies to jump your business to new heights? Be unstoppable in the ever-evolving marketing landscape
- businessesGROW.com (Company)
- businessesGROW.com/blog (Blog)
- youtu.be/gehWpd4AGyE (Speaking video)
Email: mark.schaefer@businessesgrow.com
Twitter: markwschaefer
Grab 15 minutes with Marcus for a chat about your career in sales and what you can do to thrive in a tough economy and uncertain times.

Thursday Jul 27, 2023
Women Business Owners, preparing your business for growth and exit with Patty Block
Thursday Jul 27, 2023
Thursday Jul 27, 2023
My guest this time is Patty Block, CEO of The Block Group and author of "Your Hidden Advantage." Patty, former political lobbyist today helps $1m+ women business owners to grown and achieve exit readiness. Patty shares her realisation about selling her business, tips for avoiding common pitfalls like underpricing, and strategies to maximise profits. Discover valuable insights on effective communication, personal growth, and building real business value.
Key Points:
- Realising Your Business's Value and Exit Strategy Potential
- Overcoming Limiting Beliefs for Business Growth
- Navigating Emotional Decision-making
- Avoiding Underpricing
- Eliminating Wasteful Spending in Business
- Frequently Unasked Questions (FUQs) for Successful Exits
- Tackling Ego's Impact on Business Value
- Red Flags and Lobbying Lessons
- Striking the Balance in Women's Sales and Business
- Embracing Responsibility and Accountability
- Strategies for Business Enrolment and Empowerment
- Taking Action for Profitable Growth
- Setting Boundaries for Success
- Reflections on Money and Vulnerability
Contact Patty via linkedin.com/in/pattyblock
- theblockgroup.net/ (Company)
- theblockgroup.net/your-hidden-advantage (Other)
- theblockgroup.net/exit-readiness-index (Other)
Email: pwblock@theblockgroup.net
Twitter: TheBlockGroup
If you'd like to talk to either me or Suzanne about coaching and learning more about Principled Selling, https://calendly.com/marcuscauchi

Tuesday Jul 18, 2023
Tuesday Jul 18, 2023
Unlocking Sales Success for Founders and Startup CEOs
Tal emphasises why identifying ideal customers, tailoring approaches, and focusing on meaningful conversations over mindless dials is key. He challenges common founder induced sales foul ups due to their over-reliance on their technical backgrounds. Tal offers strategies for building customer-centric sales operations that serve both the customers and the company.
We dig into the need to adapt if/when recession hits you on sales execution and the adoption of sustainable sales practices to weather economic storms. We share real-world examples, case studies, and practical advice to help founders navigate these challenges.
In addition to addressing prospecting, go-to-market strategies, and sales metrics, the episode sparks debates around ego, incentives, and the mindset required for founders to admit their need for sales help and reform.
This episode is filled with actionable insights and inspiring stories that will empower founders and startup CEOs to unlock their sales potential. Tune in now to gain the knowledge and tools needed to drive sales success in your entrepreneurial journey.
Contact Tal on linkedin.com/in/talpaperin
- ksw.solutions (Company)
Phone: +972-54-5308119 (Mobile)
Email: tal@ksw.solutions
In the final quarter of 2023 through the first quarter of 2024, Marcus will be dedicating 50 focused hours of immersive coaching to three exceptional founders. This hands-on, intensive coaching period aims to drive significant development and optimization of your business strategies and execution plans.
Our primary objective will be to formulate or fine-tune your vision, crystalising it into a compelling strategy that can attract high-caliber talent to your enterprise. We'll then work on effectively engaging these individuals, clearly outlining their roles and the expectations associated with them. This will ensure they fully understand their contributions to the overall mission and the specific tasks they are responsible for executing.
This in-depth coaching will also involve a comprehensive review of every aspect of your organisation. We will meticulously scrutinise every process, role, individual, system, and structure within your enterprise, with a view to identifying areas of strength, weakness, and opportunities for improvement. This isn't about change for the sake of change, but about aligning every element of your organisation more closely with your overarching goals.
Furthermore, we'll be laying out a robust strategy designed not only to achieve short-term wins but also to build a foundation for long-term success. We'll work on fostering a cohesive and driven team, one that is fully committed to the mission and capable of delivering exceptional results.
Ultimately, our work together will culminate in the development of a resilient and adaptable customer strategy that turns every client interaction into an opportunity for building enduring relationships. By the end of our time together, you'll have the strategic blueprint, the dynamic team, and the loyal customer base you need to propel your organisation forward in a sustainable and meaningful way.
For a #SalesBreakthrough https://calendly.com/marcuscauchi

Thursday Jul 13, 2023
Thursday Jul 13, 2023
Elodie Lavasseur is an accomplished branding and marketing leader with a history in hospitality, travel and the record business. Today she is a neurocoach who empowers women entrepreneurs, founders and professionals to unlock their true potential, to achieve success on their own terms. Elodie shares invaluable lessons that will open you to new possibilities.
Unleash Your Confidence: Break free from self-doubt and self-sabotage. Learn how to build unwavering self-belief and tap into your intuition, allowing you to trust yourself and make confident decisions that shape your destiny.
Journal Your Way to Clarity: Explore the power of journaling as a transformative tool. Gain insights into uncovering hidden patterns, values, and desires, enabling you to create a life aligned with your true passions.
Conquer Writer's Block: Say goodbye to creative roadblocks. Discover a game-changing technique that banishes writer's block forever. By asking yourself targeted questions and letting your thoughts flow freely, you'll tap into a wellspring of creativity and unlock your true writing potential.
Unveiling Blindspots: Delve into unasked questions and explore the blindspots that may be holding you back. From achieving work-life balance to bouncing back from setbacks, uncover practical strategies to navigate challenges and reach new heights.
Tune in and unlock your true potential today!
Email: info@theshinebrightacademy.com
Website: https://www.theshinebrightacademy.com/
90-day Accountability Programme: https://www.theshinebrightacademy.com/manifest
--Prepare4PowerQs: Uncover your potential, embrace discomfort & reach new heights. I'll ask you the questions that'll challenge and expand your limits. https://calendly.com/marcuscauchiUse the same link to book a 45 minute planning session where you will form the basis of your plan for what you want your business to give you in life, or to sit in on one of my live LearningLabs.