
Thursday Apr 13, 2023
Gal Aga: How To Become Your Buyer’s Ally and Never Be Their Adversary or Accomplice?
Thursday Apr 13, 2023
Thursday Apr 13, 2023
Gal Aga, CEO of Aligned, a collaboration platform that puts buyers, sellers and partners in a single place and saves all records of every touch in one place
We dive deep into the world of sales cycles and discuss the importance of understanding the buyer's journey. They highlight the dangers of following outdated methodologies and copy-pasting them from company to company. Gal and Marcus also emphasise the need to listen to buyers and align the sales journey with the buyer's journey.
We discuss the evolution of sales from inside sales to remote sales and the complexity of navigating remote sales. We also explore the over-emphasis on data and technology at the top of the funnel and how this can lead to a glut in the middle of the funnel that is often forgotten.
Gal and Marcus offer quality questions that leaders and management should ask to prove that a different approach should be taken. We also discuss the potential of using technology to help with training and activation in the HubSpot ecosystem.
Don't miss out on this informative and insightful episode that will revolutionise the way you approach sales cycles.
Contact Gal on linkedin.com/in/galaga
Website: teamaligned.com/ (Company)
Phone: +972 542 080 422
Book a call with me to explore the choices ahead of you in life, in work, and for your sanity.

Tuesday Apr 11, 2023
Tuesday Apr 11, 2023
Robin Singhvi, founder of SmartCue joins me to talk about his experience with founding and fundraising. He reveals he secured 15 investor conversations, and shared his tips on how to create a personalised product demos that are relevant to buyers and prospects.
He advises founders to find 20 people who fit their persona and send them a cold email to validate their venture before seeking funding. He also suggested that they should start with smaller investors and work their way up, avoiding bad or dumb money. Robin recommended reading "The Mom's Test" to get meaningful responses in interview and emphasised the importance of understanding the emotional and social needs of product marketers to refine interview questions.
We cover several important topics related to entrepreneurship, including the challenges of fundraising, the importance of really understanding your customer, and how to create a successful business without raising a lot of money.
The interview also covered the challenges that solo founders face, and the importance of understanding the problem before attempting to solve it, while avoiding attachment to the outcome. Regarding fundraising, Robin discussed the dangers of accepting any money, and advised founders to think about the "right money," which includes not only the funding but also what else the VC can offer in terms of introductions, avoiding mistakes, and help with hiring, compliance, and legal. He discusses why to start with smaller investors and work your way up, rather than going straight to big funds.
Other topics discussed in the podcast included the importance of referrals, reducing CAC to LTV ratios, and how VCs can dictate salary and other terms when investing in a company. Robin and Marcus also discussed the importance of validating a venture before seeking funding, and how to tell the difference between good, bad, and dumb money. Overall, the interview provided valuable insights into the world of entrepreneurship and fundraising, and offered practical advice for those seeking to create successful businesses.
Contact Robin via linkedin.com/in/robinsinghvi
- getsmartcue.com (Company)
- SmartCue.substack.com (Other)
Email: robinsinghvi@gmail.com
Twitter: robinsinghvi
Book time with me to discuss what's not working in your career and your life> Let's see if some unconventional coaching might be what the doctor ordered for you - no risk, no charge, just an honest conversation and no bullshit - https://calendly.com/marcuscauchi/

Thursday Apr 06, 2023
Thursday Apr 06, 2023
Get hold of Craig via Linkedin linkedin.com/in/craig-andrews
- allies4me.com (Turning Strangers to Customers)
- allies4me.com/inbound-marketing-services/ (allies4me Inbound Marketing)
- allies4me.com/systematic/ (allies4me Systematic Approach)
Phone: +1 512-333-1533 (Work)
Email: craig.andrews@allies4me.com
Twitter: allies4me
To chat about coaching with me https://calendly.com/marcuscauchi/let-s-explore-coaching-training

Wednesday Mar 29, 2023
Wednesday Mar 29, 2023
Email: drew.sechrist@gmail.com
Twitter: drewsechrist
Looking for a coach who can help you up your sales game, deliver exceptional results and won't ever be bland, boring or baffle you with bullshit - https://calendly.com/marcuscauchi/ - plain speaking, no faff, no fluff. Let's chat

Monday Mar 27, 2023
Monday Mar 27, 2023
Dr Carolina Billings discusses entrepreneurship and building successful ecosystems. We explore the power of leveraging ecosystems, the importance of self-care and emotional independence, the need for diversity of thought and experience, and dig deep into these topics.
Carolina also shares insights into her membership-based business model, which offers different tiers of investment and trust, and explores how to create momentum for a community with a common purpose. This is of specific interest to me as around 100 of my closest friends have built an ecosystem of go-to-market experts who work as a cooperative.
Whether you're an entrepreneur or someone looking to build a successful ecosystem, this episode offers valuable insights and actionable tips for achieving success.
Contact Caroline on linkedin.com/in/carolinabillings
Website;powerfulwomentoday.com (Company)
Email: info@powerfulwomentoday.com
Twitter; carolina_CHRP
Are you considering how to take your career up several notches? Let's chat about coaching and training. No pressure, just an honest conversation about what you want from life and how you can accomplish it all without selling your soul or selling out - book a free 15 minute call to establish is I'm what you're looking for to help you - https://calendly.com/marcuscauchi/

Sunday Mar 26, 2023
Harris Kenny: Smart Outbound Demystified
Sunday Mar 26, 2023
Sunday Mar 26, 2023
Harris Kenny is a sales mercenary. He chats to me about the changing landscape of smart outbound, the clamp downs by Google, warming tools and email jail.
We delve into best practices worst practices and practices that will get you blocked. Lively and fast paced, clear practical tips.
- introcrm.com/ (Company)
- harriskenny.com/ (Personal)
Contact Marcus to book a free 15 minute coaching call - https://calendly.com/marcuscauchi
If you want to be a guest on #TheInquisitorPodcast email marcus@laughs-last.com

Thursday Mar 23, 2023
Peter Wheeler: scars and the lessons learned from the biggest failures
Thursday Mar 23, 2023
Thursday Mar 23, 2023
Peter Wheeler
Ep 467: Dive deep into the world of entrepreneurship with this captivating episode! Join host Marcus Cauchi as he sits down with accomplished entrepreneur Peter Wheeler to discuss the highs and lows of building a successful business. From the importance of setting boundaries and asserting oneself, to the dangers of isolation and burnout, this conversation covers it all. Get ready to be inspired by their candid and personal stories of failure and growth, and learn valuable lessons from their experiences in the world of self-employment. This podcast is a must-listen for anyone looking to start their own business, or for those simply looking for inspiration and guidance on their entrepreneurial journey. Don't miss out on this engaging and informative episode!
Contact Peter via
- portfolio.mirthfulpolymath.com (Portfolio)
- calendly.com/auth0peter/30min (Other)
- jpeterwheeler.com (Personal)
Phone: +1 (314) 651-3245 (Mobile)
Book Time with Peter: https://calendly.com/auth0peter/30min
Book time with me to discuss your career, life and how you want sales to make the choices you want in life, possible - https://calendly.com/marcuscauchi/

Tuesday Mar 21, 2023
Tuesday Mar 21, 2023
In this episode 466 of The Inquisitor podcast, I chat with Andrew Mallia, a former naval officer and expert on the maritime industry, about the industry's underbelly. Andrew shares his experiences with maritime piracy, human trafficking, and the dangers of the open sea, and discusses the legal frameworks that underpin the industry. The conversation also touches on the future of the industry, including the impact of space exploration on maritime conflicts. If you're interested in learning more about the maritime industry and the hidden issues that underpin it, this episode is a must-listen.
Contact Andrew via linkedin.com/in/andrew-mallia-53443441
Email: marsecmalta@outlook.com
If you are looking for an unconventional coach then book a time for a chat with me and let's explore your options - https://calendly.com/marcuscauchi/

Wednesday Mar 15, 2023
Gal Aga: Removing Friction & Barriers To Communication
Wednesday Mar 15, 2023
Wednesday Mar 15, 2023
Gal Aga chats to me about working in cooperation and in alignment with your customers and prospects. Aligned provide a shared space for sellers, partners and customers to meet, share ideas and assets, advancing the relationship and understanding of the problem together. The genius of this approach is that it removes friction and barriers to communication, enables you to keep track of all account related activity in one place - for you, your partners and your customers.
The potential for this to amplify and speed up ramp up times has yet be explored but I will definitely be researching how even more value can be squeezed out of this goldmine of insight into your buyer.
Anyway, have a listen. Check out Alignedup.com to try the product yourself and see how your customers love being looked after and ambiguity form the buying process removed.
Contact Gal on linkedin.com/in/galaga
Website: teamaligned.com/ (Company)
Phone: +972542080422 (Mobile)
#wannacatchwhales? I coach salespeople, not in a very conventional way, but the results are what you're buying. I've messed up, failed and shot myself in the foot in all the ways you're likely to. Think of my history as your future. You can learn from my mistakes and stupidity, or you can repeat them same mistakes and be just as dumb and lose just as much or more. My clients get incomparable results, stress less, get promoted, make more money, have more fun

Monday Mar 13, 2023
Monday Mar 13, 2023
Tamara McMillen is a sales leader with successful operational and private equity experience. Gifted at both, Tamara helps you glimpse past the emotional fog that the topics of diversity, equity and inclusion evoke. We seek to explain why diversity of thought is critical in a healthy, and sustainably profitable organisation, and the impact investors, leaders, managers and down to the individual choices that salespeople and managers might have on customers, on employees and the areas to pay attention to as signs that a course correction might be needed.
Tamara is a strident advocate for her people, for giving them permission to fail, to dissent, to think for themselves. Her style of leadership develops leaders not followers and swallowers of dogma. This creates a very different type of salesperson and sales experience for buyers.
You'll like Tamara because she brooks no bullshit and calls me out a couple of times (as she always does and why I value and trust her counsel even when we disagree). And that brings me to our key point. You learn by rubbing against people and opinions you disagree with. Great diversity creates intersectional moments where people with different histories, perspectives, competencies, relevant or opposed views all come together to understand a problem and solve it. That is tapping into Humanity's 5 superpowers - cooperation - communication - codevelop understanding & solutions - choreograph who does what, when and to what level, standard or force - co-elevate everyone involved by finding what we share in common. Working towards a unifying, common purpose means we will be OK waiting to get our needs met in pursuit of the higher purpose.
Tamara discusses how you build, empower, equip and lead a truly diverse team. It's not easy but the rewards are massive and leaders require the humility to be vulnerable, to encourage dissent, and leave their egos behind.
Contact Tamara via linkedin.com/in/tamaramcmillen
Twitter: Tamara_McMillen
If you want to talk to me about coaching you grab a time https://calendly.com/marcuscauchi/. You can get 15 minutes with me for free, or book a paid for 45 minute initial coaching call to help you develop a personalised plan for your career in sales to give you everything you want in life. Now doesn't that feel like a light at the end of the tunnel?