
Thursday Nov 10, 2022
Kieron Bain: Does Your Proposition Tickle Your Customer’s Unmet Needs?
Thursday Nov 10, 2022
Thursday Nov 10, 2022
Without a clear proposition, any business will struggle to attract the right type of customers consistently. Their salespeople will stumble and their marketing will fall flat. "So few companies have a clear proposition," says Kieron Bain co-founder of #Sold, "they confuse potential buyers and leave a fortune on the table".
Ambiguity in your proposition will drive good customers into the arms of your competition and attract the wrong type of customers. You know what the costs and pain of taking on the wrong customers, so stop, take moment and ask yourself, "What do my customers think I do for them?"
Is that what you want to do for them?
Could you be doing more?
Are you playing to your strengths or taking what's given to you?
Kieron and I have a lively conversation about your message, how to make it tight and precise so it fascinates your idea buyers.
Contact Kieron on linkedin.com/in/kieron-bain
Website: https://soldbrands.com/
Phone: +44 (0) 7816 529 508
Email: kieron@soldbrands.com
Contact me to discuss training or coaching you and your team - https://calendly.com/marcuscauchi/let-s-explore-coaching-training
If you want to be a guest on the show book a planning call https://calendly.com/marcuscauchi/podcast-planning-call

Tuesday Nov 08, 2022
James Buckley: Everything you want to know about Sales Metrics and Investors
Tuesday Nov 08, 2022
Tuesday Nov 08, 2022
James Buckley and I chew the fat about sales, management, metrics and investors. It gets meaty pretty, fast and the gems come thick and quick.
Contact James via linkedin.com/in/jamessaywhatsalesbuckley
- joinjbsales.com/ (Company)
- instagram.com/james_saywhatsales_buckley/https://twitter.com/saywhatsales (Personal)
- twitter.com/saywhatsales (Personal)
Phone: +1 305-632-6005 (Mobile)
Email: james@jbarrows.com
Contact me if you want to be a guest on the show - marcus@laughs-last.com
Click here to book time in my calendar to discuss inviting me to help you and your team - https://calendly.com/marcuscauchi/let-s-explore-coaching-training

Thursday Nov 03, 2022
Thursday Nov 03, 2022
Dr Jim Kanichirayil helps build elite teams. We have a very robust conversation about the lies and biases that are costing investors their returns, sellers their dignity and customers their outcomes. We explore the power of having a range of diverse thinkers looking deeply at a problem.
If you listened to our earlier episode with Bob Moesta on innovation there is a beautiful tie in there too.
Jim can be contacted on Linkedin via linkedin.com/in/drjimk
- cascadingleadership.com (Company)
- cascadingleadership.buzzsprout.com (Company)
- circaworks.com (Company)
Email: jim@cascadingleadership.com
Let's explore training or coaching together.
Fancy Being A Guest?
If you've got strong opinions about how we can improve the sales profession, customers' experience, or improve the potential to help make the future of sales do important, meaningful work that engages and satisfies ... marcus@laughs-last.com

Tuesday Nov 01, 2022
Tuesday Nov 01, 2022
Udi Ledergor, CMO at #Gong chats to me in the 430th episode of #TheInquisitorPodcast about sales and marketing alignment to create the best conditions for salespeople to thrive in their roles. We also discuss what the data tells us about many of the qualities of the best salespeople. We dig into how culture impacts performance.
Practical as always, Udi's insights are based on the actual behavioural data of millions of real salespeople. Listen up folks
Contact Udi via linkedin.com/in/udiledergor
- bit.ly/showsecrets (My Book on Amazon)
- udiledergor.com (Personal)
Twitter: ledergor
Let's explore coaching and training together - https://calendly.com/marcuscauchi/let-s-explore-coaching-training
If you have a good idea for a show or want to introduce a potential guest, email marcus@laughs-last.com with "INQUISITOR" in the subject line
Thanks for listening and happy selling ...

Thursday Oct 27, 2022
Allan Adler Ecosystems Relationships and Partnerships
Thursday Oct 27, 2022
Thursday Oct 27, 2022
Allan Adler is the creator of #GoToEcosystems #Community and the #EcoOps Method. He is founder of Digital Bridge Partners, tech investor and in my opinion, Allan is one of the 3 freshest minds alive in sales today - ask me who the other 2 are by DM
What is an ecosystem?
What makes ecosystems work?
On average why are partner assisted 70% larger than cold prospected deals?
Allan explores 21st century#ERP
- Ecosystems
- Relationships
- Partnerships
If you can MAKE THE TIME to the #PLXSummit in November. You can register FREE here. 5 days of #Ecosystem action leaders sharing their real world experience.
https://www.plxsummit.com/ 7th-11th November
Website: digitalbridgepartners.com (Company)
Phone: +1 425-239-8774 (Mobile)
Email: allan@digitalbridgepartners.com
Twitter: digitalbridgep
What do you want your career to give you in life?
How certain are you that where you're headed is where you want to take your life and career?
What's your plan to make that happen?
If you want to hop on a call to explore coaching and training with me https://calendly.com/marcuscauchi/let-s-explore-coaching-training
Ask me about FATT Club - the best way the cut the fat from your sales and revenue function

Monday Oct 24, 2022
Bob Moesta: The 5 Bedrock Skills of Innovators and Entrepreneurs
Monday Oct 24, 2022
Monday Oct 24, 2022
Bob Moesta is one of the 2 freshest minds in sales today. He apprenticed under Drs W. Edwards Demming, Genichi Taguchi, Willie Hobbs Moore and Clayton Christensen.
We explore what #innovation is, and isn't. Bob then unpacks the 5 key skills great innovators demonstrate. He will unlock new ways of looking at your problems, understanding them, and producing solutions to real problems that people want to buy.
Get Learning to Build here - https://tinyurl.com/2cw38ubz
If you want to contact Bob (and I strongly suggest you do), the catch him on via linkedin.com/in/bobmoesta
- therewiredgroup.com/ (Company)
- bobmoesta.com (Personal)
- jobstobedone.org (Blog)
Phone: +1 586-531-9745 (Mobile)
Email: bmoesta@rewiredinc.com
Twitter: bmoesta
You can book a time in my calendar here - https://calendly.com/marcuscauchi/let-s-explore-coaching-training

Wednesday Oct 19, 2022
Wednesday Oct 19, 2022
Rob Morley, co-founder The Fountain Partnership. Our topic of conversation is #neurodiversity. His condition is #ADHD. We identify a few of the more commonly known #neurodiverse conditions are #Aspergers, #Autism, #Dyslexia with the lens of how do turn these conditions into gifts.
We begin by defining what neurodiversity is and isn't, and how the labels and words we use make all the difference in how we perceive a situation and judge people.
We explore the economic and human arguments for building diverse teams of people - a range of histories, demographics, ethnic, religious, age are great - but unless the team is neurodiverse, there is a grave danger of groupthink and parochialism taking root. Rob and I dig into intentionally hiring for neurodiversity
Rob can be contacted on linkedin.com/in/robmorley2
Website: fountainpartnership.co.uk
Email: rob@fountainpartnership.co.uk
Contact me on marcus@laughs-last.com or book a time to talk about how you can achieve your full potential - https://calendly.com/marcuscauchi/let-s-explore-coaching-training

Monday Oct 17, 2022
Monday Oct 17, 2022
Klisman Murati is founder and CEO of Pareto Economics, the creators of The Global Power Index, GPI™ which is used by governments, investors, family offices to have a lens 30 years into the future. THE GPI™ shows how capable a country is of achieving what it sets out to and it is measured in relation to other countries globally and locally.
Unless you start looking above the clouds, you run the serious risk of being caught out through lack of preparedness and acting upon poor and incomplete information.
Klisman is a fascinating character. I met him when he gatecrashed one of my classes and became a key contributor to the entrepreneurship programme back in 2012 when I was teaching at Roehampton University. His story is very impressive especially when you consider the impact the GPI™ Index will have on global investments. Definitely one to watch in the future.
Contact Klisman via linkedin.com/in/klisman-murati especially if you want to be invited to the GPI™ Conference in 2024.
- pareto-economics.com (Company)
- klismanmurati.com (Personal)
Twitter: KlisEmm
Klisman Murati Shownotes:
Pareto Resources
Pareto Economics Website: https://pareto-economics.com/
Global Power Index 2022 Rankings: https://pareto-economics.com/global-power-index/
Pareto Economics YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCByNVk6Z4YRTLMKNyhu3bBw
Klisman Murati’s Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/klisman-murati/
Global Power Index 2022 Core Report: https://pareto-economics.com/product/global-power-index-core-report/
Klisman’s book recommendations:
Globalisation and its discontents by Joseph Stiglitz
FREE by Lea Ypi
Zero to One by Peter Thiel
The New Paradigm for Financial Markets by George Soros
Blood Oil by Leif Wenar
Millennium by Felipe Fernandez - Armesto
Contact me via marcus@laughs-last.com
If you want to talk to me about training and coaching for you or your people https://calendly.com/marcuscauchi/let-s-explore-coaching-training
Successful Selling: https://www.laughs-last.com/successful-selling/ Ask me for a guest ticket

Thursday Oct 13, 2022
Thursday Oct 13, 2022
Fergus Connolly and Johan Taft are both extraordinary high performance coaches helping successful people grow to meet their full potential ... and then stretch some more.
We discuss the importance of regular attention on fundamentals, on purpose, discipline and commitment. We dig into mindset, beliefs, attitudes, values and needs. We dig into the habits of success and the barriers.
Make sure you also check out the episode coming up in a couple of weeks with former SBS Sergeant Major, Garry Bamford. He was head of recruitment for UK Special Forces and knows a thing or two about selection and recruitment of highly talented interdependent team players who understand that they serve the mission and their teammates before they serve themselves.
Contact Johan via linkedin.com/in/magnifyyourgreatness
magnifyyourgreatness.com (Company Website)
sportingmindmastery.com/ (Company Website)
Fergus can be found at linkedin.com/in/fergusconnolly
- fergusconnolly.com (Company)
- fergusconnolly.com/lessons-from-sport (Company)
- fergusconnolly.com/blog (Blog)
Twitter: Fergus_Connolly
Want to hire winners, who succeed, improve over time and stay? https://www.laughs-last.com/hiring-winners/
Want to sell build an unstoppable sales career? https://www.laughs-last.com/successful-selling/
Email: marcus@laughs-last.com

Tuesday Oct 11, 2022
Tuesday Oct 11, 2022
"Lead with answers that create questions in your buyer", says Dr Brian Glibkowski, creator of Answer Intelligence (AQ)™. We are often taught that "our credibility comes from the questions we ask, not the information that we give" and to a point that is true. Ask great, thought provoking, insightful questions and you clearly demonstrate your competence and credibility. But do we really pay anywhere near enough attention on the answers you give?
In the same way that you are unlikely to ever hear an original objection or be asked an original question, ALL of these communication moments can be planned, prepared and rehearsed until they are a natural part of every salesperson's and manager's repertoire.
individuals overemphasise on questions and minimise importance of answers
Brian continues, "Sellers have no typology of answers. We have the 6WH typology for questions but we don't pay critical attention and focus on becoming better at providing answers. There is often a mismatch between their questions and our answers resulting in disconnected conversation, a lack of listening and the quality of answers is shallow."
You can't sell shallow and sell deep at the same time. The lack of intentionality is projected out from sellers to buyers, who reflect back the high self-orientation of sellers who too often aren't present because they are listening for a gap to speak or ask their next manipulative, self-serving question. Some really juicy material in this episode.
Twitter: sixQSoftware
Contact me via https://calendly.com/marcuscauchi/let-s-explore-coaching-training to book some time to explore coaching or training for you and your sales, management and leadership teams
To Hire Winners in sales, channels, CS, RevOps, management or leadership click here: https://www.laughs-last.com/hiring-winners/
To design the career you want, to give you the life you want and learn how to write your own paycheque click here: https://www.laughs-last.com/successful-selling/