
Friday Mar 10, 2023
Friday Mar 10, 2023
Gin Lalli chats to me about solutions focused therapy. If you're in sales, management, leadership or customer success, you really want to pay attention to both content and form in this interview.
We listened deeply a few episodes back with Beshlie Donaldson. In this episode with Gin we learn how to uncover someone's real motivation to change and work past resistance without resistance. Seriously folks this is a gem of an episode.
Contact Gin via linkedin.com/in/ginlalli
Website: ginlalli.com (Solution Focused Therapy)
Phone: +44 (0) 7590 317 318 (Mobile)
Email: gin@ginlalli.com
Twitter: GinLalli
To chat to Marcus about what you want your career in sales to give you in life and how you plan to make that your reality - https://calendly.com/marcuscauchi/
Use this link to register for #ChatGPT4Sellers - Saturday 1 April 1600-1730

Tuesday Mar 07, 2023
Tuesday Mar 07, 2023
2. Problem Aware
3. Solution aware
4. Product/Brand aware
5. Most Aware
6. Seal the deal
7. Truth aware - after funnel aware
- creative-copywriter.net (The Creative Copywriter)
- creative-copywriter.net/about-us/ (6 Reasons Why to Pick Us)
- creative-copywriter.net/copywriter-portfolio/ (Case Studies)
Phone: +44 7951515921 (Mobile)
Email: konrad@creative-copywriter.net
Twitter: konradsanders

Monday Feb 27, 2023
AJ Bruno: The Trouble With Unicorns
Monday Feb 27, 2023
Monday Feb 27, 2023
"10% of series A make it to series B, and 13% of series B make it to a liquidity event." says AJ BrunoCEO of Quota Path." That means 1.3% make it to series C or a trade sale at that point! Playing the lottery
AJ Bruno exited his previous business for $225m. Today he is in series B with his second, QuotaPath. We discuss the impact of the unicorn narrative on founder's thinking and the toxic distraction that happens when founders forget why they started in business - to help someone (a person) solve a problem - and their focus turns to the first or next raise, and satisfying the valuation metrics of short term thinkers with money.
Pragmatic, humble, and humane AJ talks candidly as a second time founder in series-B, an investor with Stage 2 Capital, and a sales professional. This is worth bringing along a notepad and pen. We cover a lot. We dig into compensation which is AJ's passion, customer acquisition, retention and service. Aj's views on sales dogma and playbooks align with mine but won't be popular. Listen to learn why.
You will find particular value if you a manager people because his insights and advice are golden
Contact AJ on https://www.linkedin.com/in/ajbruno3/
Twitter: @TrendKite
Contact me on to discuss what you want your career in sales to give you in life and how you believe coaching may help you, or go right ahead and book a coaching call - https://calendly.com/marcuscauchi

Wednesday Feb 22, 2023
Beshlie Donaldson: Is Active Listening Damaging Your Credibility and Losing you Sales?
Wednesday Feb 22, 2023
Wednesday Feb 22, 2023
"Active listening is the enemy of deep listening", says Beshlie Donaldson. She is a deep listening coach who I met when she was a headhunter many moons, 2 businesses and she balanced all that whilst raising boy twins! Superwoman? Perhaps, but more than that Beshlie helps you hear yourself. It is a profound experience. We explore, what is deep listening, why it isn't active listening and we dig into why active listening can go wrong and it so often does without the salesperson realising.
We took a bit of a risk on this show because rather than just talk about it, we wanted you to witness someone experiencing deep listening. I admit, it doesn't make a great spectator sport. We did it so you could see how deep listening works in action. No one was hurt in the making of the show and the subject, me, was a willing volunteer. If you were ever curious to take a peek into the workings of my mind, here's your chance.
Is this helpful? I'm open to criticism as I still don't really know what I'm doing and the show is an ongoing experiment. Let me know what you think.
I urge you to contact Beshlie if you want to break through your roadblocks, your self-concept is taking a bit of a knock or you are at a cross roads and have conflicting opinions and fears about the decision you're facing. I found this and the subsequent sessions revealing in ways I know I couldn't have readily got to without her gentle help. She's on LinkedIn at linkedin.com/in/beshlie
- linktr.ee/beshlie.coach (Company)
- mailchi.mp/fbe0652a42eb/beshlie (Company)
Phone: +44 (0) 7540742001 (Mobile)
Email: hello@beshlie.coach
Book an initial coaching call - https://calendly.com/marcuscauchi/first-experiment-in-coaching-chemistry-and-planning (45 mins, £300 including VAT sales tax)
To explore your options - https://calendly.com/marcuscauchi/let-s-explore-coaching-training?month=2023-02 (15 mins, free)
When you book, you'll get some prep work. You won't have all the answers. That's normal. Do your best.

Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
Julia Nimchimski: The Brains Behind #GTMGames Justin Michael
Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
Julia Nimchimski is the brains and execution behind the #GTMGames. She partnered with Justin Michael to produce what are the world's first gladiatorial games between sales and marketing to foster cross pollination of ideas, alignment and the application of the best behaviours by some of the biggest names in tech sales whose job it is to coach the contestants, then judge and disqualify.
Julia and I talk about the way #Events are changing, how technology is equipping us to do things in ways that were never possible before. This is a glimpse around the corner.
Julia is coauthor of Reinventing Virtual Events, very smart marketer and a serial getter of things done. Watch her. A name to watch today and the future. Level headed, smart, commercial, driven, organised and a rare eye and the patience to develop unmet demand.
Contact Julia on linkedin.com/in/julia-nimchinski
Website: hypcccycl.com (Company)
Email: julia.nimchinski@hypcccycl.com
Twitter: JNimchinski
Considering a coach? Want one who helps you get results you want confidently, fast and keep getting them? https://calendly.com/marcuscauchi/

Monday Feb 13, 2023
Laura Ashley-Timms: Stop Answering Questions
Monday Feb 13, 2023
Monday Feb 13, 2023
Laura Ashley-Timms is coauthor of The Answer is a Question. She and her husband and business partner Dominic, have been running Notion, a management performance improvement firm for over 20 years. They have served executives and managers as coaches and facilitators, brokering highly charged industrial negotiations, turning around failing leadership team and latterly focusing on equipping middle managers to shift their management from command and control to an operational coaching™ management style.
Notion is now capable of changing the behaviour of thousands of managers simultaneously and a London School of Economics study conducted in conjunction with BEIS (UK Gov, Business, Enterprise, Industry and Strategy) showed that this shift in management behaviour delivered an average ROI of a 74x (7400%).
Laura and I discuss the power of the right question and accountability to transform performance and improve lives. Powerful stuff and definitely get the book. Highly recommended.
Contact Laura on linkedin.com/in/laura-ashley-timms
- STARmanager.global (Company)
Email: hello@starmanager.global.co.uk
Twitter: STARmanager_HQ
Link to The Answer is a Question by Laura and Dominic Ashley-Timms: https://amzn.to/3E5NPM4
If you reckon I might be the person to help you, let's jump on a call to find out - https://calendly.com/marcuscauchi/let-s-explore-coaching-training
Maximise your enterprise sales impact with my Successful Selling class on 21st Feb 2023. Just for principled, results driven, growth oriented sales leaders & professionals.
Success in real world high ticket/high stakes sales. Email me now for details: marcus@laughs-last.com

Thursday Feb 09, 2023
Thursday Feb 09, 2023

Monday Feb 06, 2023
Monday Feb 06, 2023
David Kübler, senior consultant from operational VC, Project-A discusses investment, revenue operations and human beings. We dip into the problem of over-emphasising what's easy to measure at the expense of measuring what matters. We talk technology, process and people and dig into the interesting investment-partnering model over at Project-A.
Contact David on https://www.linkedin.com/in/david-k%C3%BCbler-b3b8b318a/
Contact me to discuss joining my #RapidResults programme: 8 x 90 minute weekly sessions to unlearn bad habits and beliefs, reset and replace adding skills, frameworks and habits to ensure you to do meaningful work and succeed without compromising your values - £1800+VAT (one off fee) https://calendly.com/marcuscauchi/rapid-results-audition
If you are committed to creating the life you want and putting in the work necessary to make it real, let's discuss #SuccessfulSelling - designing your sales career to give you what you want in life £1500+VAT per month - https://calendly.com/marcuscauchi/successful-selling-audition

Monday Jan 30, 2023
Jay Melone: The Power of Customer Interviews
Monday Jan 30, 2023
Monday Jan 30, 2023
Jay Melone, founder of New Haircut shares some very powerful lessons all salespeople and their leaders should heed.
Jay and I explore the power of customer interviews that help you to understand our customer's real buying journey, their triggers, their struggling moments, their moments of clarity and how to identify and attract more of the correct customers. This systems thinking has added benefits since it often surpfaces non-buyers (people who could buy but don't), non-customers (people who could buy if you shift your message or rethink how to apply what you offer), unmet demand (gaps you and your competition are currently missing), unusual uses for your products, work arounds and reversion to their old system.
The customers' words are so much more powerful than ones we assume they'll like.
Get in contact with Jay via linkedin.com/in/jaymelone
- newhaircut.com (Company)
- newhaircut.com (Company)
Phone: +1 (732) 339-3864 (Work)
Do you feel like you're sacrificing your principles for the sake of the job? Let's chat. No pressure. i'll ask some questions and listen. You can decide if you can work with me and we can decide if we keep talking, park it or part as friends knowing we won't work together either now or in the future. What do you say? Shall we talk?

Thursday Jan 26, 2023
Thursday Jan 26, 2023
"What would your leadership report card look like today? A's across the
board?" asks Antonio Garrido, CEO of My Daily Leadership and author of the book My Daily Leadership - a powerful roadmap for leadership success.
We discuss the surprising power of journalling for leaders.
"If you aspire to leadership start journalling" he advises. "You'll stumble
at first trying to understand what you want to write, how much time to invest
in your journal. You'll wonder about the ROI (it may be worth calculating the
COI (cost of inaction), how and if it will help you. You'll never know until
you give it a go"
He invites you to ask yourself, "Am I future-proofing myself, my people and my business? How close to achieving my full potential am I? How close to our full potential are we achieving collectively as a team? How do I know I am learning what I need to learn?"
Antonio highlights 4 core components in need of a leader's special and consistent attention -
* People
* Company
* Self
* Strategy
I took 2 pages of notes during our call. Bring a notepad and pen, turn on "airplane mode" or "Do not disturb" and learn. Antonio learned his leadership skills in the trenches at the feet of a great leader. He describes an economy of effort and the achievement of success through concerted collective effort. That comes from deep reflection and understanding of the circumstances, the context and choices to be made. Keeping a calm head whilst those around you are losing theirs marks out those who might lead.
Contact Antonio via linkedin.com/in/antoniogarrido
Website: mydailyleadership.com
Email: antonio@mydailyleadership.com
Phone: (+1) 786 527 0277 (Mobile)
Feeling the weight of having to sacrifice your ethics for the sake of your quota?
Does your self-concept wince when you're asked to use unprincipled ruses, tactics and bribes to force a deal over the line before your customer is ready, and you do it even though you know it isn't in your buyers' best interests?
What if you can be successful and prioritise your values to find meaning and satisfaction in your work.
For Rapid Results: https://calendly.com/marcuscauchi/rapid-results-audition
Let's talk if you're looking for someone to help you. I help principled salespeople, managers and leaders navigate their own environment to succeed AND minimise or eliminate the need to behave in ways that conflict with your values. You'll decide if we're a good fit when we speak. At the end we can agree next steps or part as friends. Either way. no pressure. Click the link to book